Ntuple histogramming

From: lijowski@cosray2.wustl.edu
Date: Thu Jul 23 1998 - 21:39:45 MEST


  Thank you Axel Schwank for your response which explained why I was getting
  smaller number of events when reading h2root converted HBOOK ntuple.

  I still don't know what is wrong with the following macro which
  should create and fill a single histogram with one entry from
  the ntuple.

   //  read HBOOK generated ntuple and print number of entries

   // Connect CRIS ROOT ntuple  file generated by h2root
   // from make_cris_ntuple.rz file
   TFile *f1 = new TFile("/data3/users/lijowski/make_cris_ntuple.root.0");
   f1 -> ls();

// connect a tree to an ntuple in the input file
   TTree *t9000 = (TTree*)f1 -> Get("h9000");
   t9000 -> Print();

   Int_t  Noevents = t9000 -> GetEntries();
   printf(" No of Events %d\n", Noevents);

// Define branch for the tree. "Dx2" is an entry/branch in the ntuple.

   TBranch *dx2 = t9000 -> GetBranch("Dx2");

   t9000 -> Draw("Dx2");

// create histogram for dx2
   char hname[20];
   char htitle[80];
   Float_t xmin = -1.2, xmax = 1.2;
   Int_t  nbins = 120;

   sprintf(hname, "H2X-plane-dx2");
   sprintf(htitle,"H2 X plane dx2");
   TH1F *h2x = new TH1F(hname, htitle, nbins, xmin, xmax);

   for  (Int_t ii = 0; ii < Noevents; ii++) {
       dx2 -> GetEvent(ii);
       h2x -> Fill(dx2);

I get a histogram of Dx2 from t9000 -> Draw("Dx2"); but I also get the 
following error:

Error: Can't call TH1F::Fill() in current scope FILE:/export/home/lijowski/ace/cris/flight/root/./test_root_ntuple.C LINE:39

  where line 39 is line with h2x -> Fill(dx2);

  Thanks for any help.


  Michal Lijowski

Michal Lijowski                  Washington University
Research Associate               St. Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA 
Department of Physics            phone:   314-935-6285
Campus Box 1105                  email:   lijowski@cosray2.wustl.edu

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