Re: TTimer - discussive

From: Valery Fine (
Date: Mon Aug 10 1998 - 17:14:34 MEST

On  9 Aug 98 at 23:48, Valeriy Onuchin wrote:

>  class LiveObject: public TObject, public TTimer
> {
> public:
>   LiveObject() {gSystem->AddTimer(this);}
> void  ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
> { some actions in responce to graphic events 
>  (for example, if(event==kButton1Up) TTimer::Remove();) 
> }
> Bool_t Notify() {SomeAction(); Reset(); return kFALSE;}
> };
> The only obstacle which prevents having this is  that
> TTimer is original from TObject (TObject->TSysEvtHandler->TTimer).
>   Is it possible to have inheritance like this:
>   TSysEvtHandler -> TVirtualTimer 
>   TVirtualTimer + TObject -> TTimer 
> or it requires dramatic modifications of ROOT?

  Execuse me  but I didn't understand why this

    " class LiveObject: public TTimer  "

  doesn't work for you ?

  Could you send me (not to roottalk) the further information to 
figure your needs out.
 Have a look at the last version of ROOT 2.00/10

  It says:

// 18/07/1998  19.17.01  by  Fons Rademakers

- TSystem: new method ProcessEvents(). Call this method regularly in
  tight calculation loops. It allows the processing of GUI, socket and
  timer events. Most importantly it allows the clean interruption of
  such a tigh loop. That is, it returns kTRUE when the users wants to
  terminate the loop. Currently the user can terminate the loop by
  selecting the canvas menu View/Interrupt or by hitting any key in
  the canvas. The interrupt flag is set via the routine
  TROOT::SetInterrupt(). Of course, this method can be called via any
  GUI button.

- TROOT: new methods SetInterrupt() and IsInterrupted(). Used to
  the variable TROOT::fInterrupt.

- TRootCanvas: new menu item View/Interrupt (see above).

- hsimple.C: calls gSystem->ProcessEvents() in main loop.


Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
    -------------------          Phone: +1 516 344 7806
Brookhaven National Laboratory   FAX  : +1 516 344 4206
Bldg. 510A /STAR       
Upton, New York, 11973-5000
Dr. Valery Fine                  Telex : 911621 dubna su
LCTA/Joint Inst.for Nuclear Res. Phone : +7 09621 6 40 80
141980 Dubna, Moscow region      Fax   : +7 09621 6 51 45

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