compiled version works but not the cint macro

From: Hans Wenzel (
Date: Fri Aug 14 1998 - 23:33:35 MEST


I am using root Version   2.00/10 under Irix 6.3 and the gnu gcc
I have created a small example which consists of 3 files that i have
hprod_ybs.cxx  produces three histograms and fills them with random data

then the histograms are put into shared memory and updated periodically

server_ybs_old.cxx  server which waits for a socket connection .When it
established the server serves the histograms to the client which
displays the histograms.

client_ybs.cxx  is the client which displays the histogram.

my problem is the following: while the three programs work fine  when i
use the compiled executable
the server program fails miserably when executed from within root as a
macro as the output below shows.
(producer and client work fine.)  Any idea?  I have tried it on
different linux boxes and there it works just fine.

cheers hans

root [0] .x server_ybs_old.cxx
Memory mapped file:
Title:                Demo memory mapped file with histograms
Option:               READ
Mapped Memory region: 0x1380000 - 0x13986a0 (0.10 MB)
Current breakval:     0x138e000
Object               Class                Size
histo1               TH1F                 1024
histo2               TH1F                 1024
histo3               TH2F                 11328

 *** Break *** segmentation violation

#ifndef __CINT__
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
//#include "TProfile.h"
//#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TMapFile.h"
#include "TSystem.h"

int main ()

   // Create a new memory mapped file. The memory mapped file can be
   // opened in an other process on the same machine and the objects
   // stored in it can be accessed.
#ifndef __CINT__
   TROOT hybmem("hprod_ybs","Simple histogram producer to shared memory ");
   // Histogram producer script. The program creates a
   // memory mapped file "" and creates a few histograms which 
   // are filled and updated with random numbers 
   // This script runs in an infinite loop, so use ctrl-c to stop it.
#ifdef __CINT__

      //Now create the memory map file

      TMapFile *mfile;
      mfile = TMapFile::Create("","RECREATE", 100000,
                            "Demo memory mapped file with histograms");
   // Print status of mapped file

   // Create  1d and  2d  histograms. These objects will
   // be automatically added to the current directory, i.e. mfile.
      TH1F *histo1; 
      TH1F *histo2;
      TH2F *histo3;

      histo1 = new TH1F("histo1","Muon Energy",50,0,30);
      histo1->SetXTitle("muon energy");
      histo1->SetYTitle("event count");

      histo2 = new TH1F("histo2","Muon Pt",50,0,30);
      histo2->SetXTitle("muon pt");
      histo2->SetYTitle("event count");

      histo3 = new TH2F("histo3","Muon py vs px",50,0,30,50,0,30);
      histo3->SetXTitle("muon px");
      histo3->SetYTitle("muon py");

   // Print status of mapped file and list its contents

   Float_t muon_Energy,muon_Pt,muon_Px,muon_Py;
   int count = 0;
// now start endless loop
   while (1) {
     //get random number for muon px and py:   
      muon_Px     = muon_Px + 10.;
      muon_Py     = muon_Py + 10.;
      muon_Pt     = sqrt(muon_Px*muon_Px+muon_Py*muon_Py);
      muon_Energy = sqrt(0.105*0.105+muon_Pt*muon_Pt);
      gSystem->Sleep(100);   // sleep for 0.1 seconds (don't swamp the system)
       if (count % 100 == 0) {
        // memory map file is  is updated every 10 events.
        // (You might want to change this when processing
        // a lot of events.)
        mfile->Update();       // updates all objects in shared memory
        mfile->ls();  // print contents of mapped file



// This is file server_ybs.cxx 
// Server program which waits for one client to connect. 
// It then opens a memory map file as produce by hybmem and serves the 
// histograms to the client. 
// The sockets are monitored.
// To run this demo do the following:
//   - run hybmem so that the memory map file is created and histograms
//     are produced
//   - run this server  server_ybs to wait for socket connections
//   - run client_ybs to open socket connection and to display the histograms
// Open a server socket looking for connections on a named service or
// on a specified port.
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
#include "TServerSocket.h"
#include "TInetAddress.h"
#include "TMessage.h"
#include "TMonitor.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TMapFile.h"

int main()

  TROOT server_ybs("server_ybs","Test of simple histogram server");
  //   TApplication theApp("App", &argc, argv);

   // Histogram consumer script. Create a canvas and 3 pads. Connect
   // to memory mapped file "", that was created by hprod.C.
   // It reads the histograms from shared memory and displays them
   // in the pads (sleeping for 0.1 seconds before starting a new read-out
   // cycle). This script runs in an infinite loop, so use ctrl-c to stop it.
#ifdef __CINT__
      TServerSocket *ss = new TServerSocket(9090, kTRUE);
   // Open the memory mapped file "" in "READ" (default) mode.
   TMapFile *mfile;
   mfile = TMapFile::Create("");

   // Print status of mapped file and list its contents
   //   printf("hallo");
//   hpx.Draw();
   // Create pointers to the objects in shared memory.
//   TH1F     *hpx    = 0;
//   TH2F     *hpxpy  = 0;
//   TProfile *hprof  = 0;
   // Open a server socket looking for connections on a named service or
   // on a specified port.
   //TServerSocket *ss = new TServerSocket("rootserv", kTRUE);

   // Accept a connection and return a full-duplex communication socket.
   TSocket *s0 = ss->Accept();
   // tell the clients to start
   s0->Send("go 0");

   // Close the server socket (unless we will use it later to wait for
   // another connection).

   // Check some options of socket 0.
   int val;
   s0->GetOption(kSendBuffer, val);
   printf("sendbuffer size: %d\n", val);
   s0->GetOption(kRecvBuffer, val);
   printf("recvbuffer size: %d\n", val);

   // Get the remote addresses (informational only).
   TInetAddress adr = s0->GetInetAddress();

   // Create pointers to the objects in shared memory.
   TH1F     *histo1  = 0;
   TH1F     *histo2  = 0;
   TH2F     *histo3  = 0;

   // Loop displaying the histograms. Once the producer stops this
   // script will break out of the loop.
   ////   Double_t oldentries = 0;
   while (1) {
      histo1    = (TH1F *) mfile->Get("histo1", histo1);
      histo2    = (TH1F *) mfile->Get("histo2", histo2);
      histo3    = (TH2F *) mfile->Get("histo3", histo3);
      //      if (histo1->GetEntries() == oldentries) break;
      ////      oldentries = histo1->GetEntries();
      printf("Entries, histo1=%d, Mean=%g, RMS=%g\n",histo1->GetEntries(),histo1->GetMean(),histo1->GetRMS());

      TMessage mess(kMESS_OBJECT);
     //TMessage mess(kMESS_OBJECT | kMESS_ACK);
         mess.Reset();              // re-use TMessage object
         mess.WriteObject(histo1);     // write object in message buffer
         mess.Reset();              // re-use TMessage object
         mess.WriteObject(histo2);     // write object in message buffer
         mess.Reset();              // re-use TMessage object
         mess.WriteObject(histo3);     // write object in message buffer
         s0->Send(mess);          // send message
         gSystem->Sleep(100);   // sleep for 0.1 seconds
   s0->Send("Finished");          // tell server we are finished

   //   gBenchmark->Show("hclient");

   // Close the socket

// Server program which waits for one client to connect. 
// It then opens a memory map file as produce by hprod and serves the 
// histograms to the client. 
// The sockets are monitored.
// To run this demo do the following:
//   - run hprod so that the memory map file is created and histograms
//     are produced
//   - run this server (hisserv) to wait for socket connections
//   - run hisclient to open socket connection and to display the histograms
// Open a server socket looking for connections on a named service or
// on a specified port.
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TPaveLabel.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
//#include "TNtuple.h"
//#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
//#include "TServerSocket.h"
#include "TInetAddress.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TMessage.h"
#include "TMonitor.h"
//#include "TClass.h"

extern void InitGui();
VoidFuncPtr_t initfuncs[] = { InitGui, 0 };

int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifndef __CINT__
   TROOT client_ybs("client_ybs","Test of simple consumer",initfuncs);

   TApplication theApp("App", &argc, argv);
   // Open connection to server
   TSocket *sock = new TSocket("localhost", 9090);
   // Wait till we get the start message
   char str[32];
   sock->Recv(str, 32);
   printf("got message: %s\n",str);
   // create a new browser (don't know how to make it active yet) 
   //   TBrowser b

   // Create a new canvas and 3 pads
   //   TCanvas *c1;
   //   TPad *pad1, *pad2, *pad3;
   //   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) {
      TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1"," Consumer Example",200,10,700,780);
      TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1","This is pad1",0.02,0.52,0.98,0.98,21);
      TPad *pad2 = new TPad("pad2","This is pad2",0.02,0.02,0.48,0.48,21);
      TPad *pad3 = new TPad("pad3","This is pad3",0.52,0.02,0.98,0.48,21);

   // server tells us who we are
   //   int idx = !strcmp(str, "go 0") ? 0 : 1;

//   TMessage mess(kMESS_OBJECT);
   //TMessage mess(kMESS_OBJECT | kMESS_ACK);
      TMessage *mess;
   while (1) {
      //      printf("got object of class: %s\n", mess->GetClass()->GetName());
      TH1F *histo1 = (TH1F *)mess->ReadObject(mess->GetClass());
      histo1 ->DrawCopy();
      //      printf("got object of class: %s\n", mess->GetClass()->GetName());
      TH1F *histo2 = (TH1F *)mess->ReadObject(mess->GetClass());
      histo2 ->DrawCopy();
      //      printf("got object of class: %s\n", mess->GetClass()->GetName());
      TH2F *histo3 = (TH2F *)mess->ReadObject(mess->GetClass());
      histo3 ->DrawCopy();
         delete histo1;         // delete histogram    
         delete histo2;       // delete histogram
         delete histo3;
   sock->Send("Finished");          // tell server we are finished

   // Close the socket

 // Here we don't return from the eventloop. "Exit ROOT" will quit the app.

   return 0;

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