Re: why root GUI ?

From: Valery Fine (
Date: Tue Aug 18 1998 - 16:36:57 MEST

On 18 Aug 98 at 10:26, Soren Lange wrote:

> here is a very simple example how to read data from a named pipe and
> fill a histogram within root (e.g. for DAQ monitoring).
> Maybe it is of general interest (a priori it is not clear that it
> works), therefore I forward to roottalk, too.
> (3) start your root session and execute a daq_consumer macro similar
>     to the following (it is shortened, just to show the principle)
> {
>   FILE *fp;
>   Float_t x;
>   Int_t i=0;
>   ...

  I want to call your attention that there are several methods of 
TSystem class to manage pipes the "platform independed way".

  Namely I mean:

> // open named pipe 
>   fp = fopen("pipename","r"); 

  By some reason those functions were not activated for Windows NT 
yet but I hope the ROOT team will turn it on with the next ROOT 
release for NT too.


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