Re: fitting 1-d histograms

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Aug 24 1998 - 18:00:01 MEST

Chris Jillings wrote:
> Hello,
>    I am using the TH1::Fit(...) to fit 1-d histograms. Is it possible
> to fix and realease parameters without using  TMinuit explicitly?
>     Thank you,
> Chris

Yes, this is possible. Assume TF1 *func the pointer to the function
you want to fit in TH1::Fit. Before calling TH1::Fit, do
   func->SetParLimits(0,parlow,parhigh); //set bounds for all params

then, specify the option "B" when calling TH1::Fit as specified
in the documentation of TH1::Fit

Rene Brun

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