memory crash (revisited)

From: Piergiorgio Cerello (
Date: Tue Aug 25 1998 - 11:47:33 MEST

 Dear Rooters,

 I'm running the analysis of a set of data and I get a memory crash after some
 thousands of events. The problem seems to be related to the destructors, but 
 there are strange behaviours that I don't understand (that's why I ask for 

 The code runs under OSF and Linux, showing the same behaviour.

 1) I have a first stage in which I build for every event, among other objects,
    a TObjArray of hits, described by the Class TFndHLmd.
    This part is run in background by a program (geb2hdt.C) which was 
    successfully tested up to more than 50000 events with 200 hits each, and 
    doesn't give any memory problem.
 2) In the second stage, I try to analyze the TObjArrays with root, and there
    comes the memory crash, after about 4000 events, corresponding to about
    800000 hits.

Of course, I scanned all my constructors/destructors, but I couldn't find the 
cause of the crash.
Moreover, I don't understand why the problem comes only with the interactive 
session, since the constructors/destructors are the same.

In the following, you can find the interactive macro (lmd_adc.C, 2nd stage), 
the geb2hdt.C program (1st stage) and the code for the involved class 
(TFndHLmd.h and TFndHLmd.C)

Thanks in advance for any help,


1.  lmd_adc.C


    printf("Start lmd_adc.C Macro\n");
    const Int_t kUPDATE = 50;
    const Int_t kCHECK  = 100;
    const Int_t ndch = 16;

    TFile *p;
    TFile *f;
    TTree *ftree;
    TObjArray *fHLmd=0;
    Int_t fNHLmd=0;
    TBranch *bhlmd;
    TBranch *bnlmd;

    TFndHLmd *hlmd;
    f1 = new TCanvas("f1","Finuda Monitor",10,10,800,800);

    TH2F *lmdmapadc = new TH2F("lmdmapadc","adc lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);   
    TH2F *lmdmapadc0 = new TH2F("lmdmapadc0","adc != 0 lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);   
    TH2F *lmdmapadc00 = new TH2F("lmdmapadc00","adc L,R != 0 lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);   
    TH2F *lmdmapadcl = new TH2F("lmdmapadcl","adcl lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);   
    TH2F *lmdmapadcr = new TH2F("lmdmapadcr","adcr lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);   

    TH1F *lmdadcl[ndch];
    TH1F *lmdadcr[ndch];
    TH1F *lmdcrg[ndch];
    TH2F *lmdadc[ndch];

    Int_t sf;
    Int_t idx = 0;
    for(sf=0; sf<ndch; sf++){
      char sfc[3];
      idx = sf+11;
      if(sf>=ndch/2) idx = sf+13;


      char hname1[8];
      hname1[0] = 'l';
      hname1[1] = 'm';
      hname1[2] = 'd';
      hname1[3] = 'a';
      hname1[4] = 'd';
      hname1[5] = 'c';
      hname1[6] = 'l';
      hname1[7] = '\0'; 
      char hname2[8];
      hname2[0] = 'l';
      hname2[1] = 'm';
      hname2[2] = 'd';
      hname2[3] = 'a';
      hname2[4] = 'd';
      hname2[5] = 'c';
      hname2[6] = 'r';
      hname2[7] = '\0'; 
      char hname3[7];
      hname3[0] = 'l';
      hname3[1] = 'm';
      hname3[2] = 'd';
      hname3[3] = 'a';
      hname3[4] = 'd';
      hname3[5] = 'c';
      hname3[6] = '\0'; 

      char hname4[7];
      hname4[0] = 'l';
      hname4[1] = 'm';
      hname4[2] = 'd';
      hname4[3] = 'c';
      hname4[4] = 'r';
      hname4[5] = 'g';
      hname4[6] = '\0'; 
      char *hhname =  strcat(hname1,sfc);    
      printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
      lmdadcl[sf] = new TH1F(hhname,"adcl",205,0,4100);
      char *hhname =  strcat(hname2,sfc);
      printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
      lmdadcr[sf] = new TH1F(hhname,"adcr",205,0,4100);
      char *hhname =  strcat(hname3,sfc);
      printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
      lmdadc[sf] = new TH2F(hhname,"adcl vs adcr",205,0,4100,205,0,4100);
      char *hhname =  strcat(hname4,sfc);
      printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
      lmdcrg[sf] = new TH1F(hhname,"charge",410,0,8200);


    char *fpth;
    printf("Path to the main data directory ?\n");

    Int_t nsum = 1;
    while(nsum != 0) { 

      printf("open the ROOT input file\n");

      char *nrun;
      char *FVMS;

      printf("Run type ?\n");
      printf("Run number (5 digits)? \n");

      const char *fdir = "/HDT/";
      const char *sufx = ".hdt";   
      Char_t *fRAW = new Char_t[strlen(&fpth)+strlen(fdir)+strlen(&FVMS)+strlen(sufx)+strlen(&nrun)];
      fRAW = strcat(fRAW,fdir);
      fRAW = strcat(fRAW,&FVMS);
      fRAW = strcat(fRAW,&nrun);
      fRAW = strcat(fRAW,sufx);
      printf("%s file\n",fRAW);
      f = new TFile(fRAW);

      ftree = (TTree*)f->Get("F");

      bnlmd = ftree->GetBranch("fNHLmd");
      bhlmd = ftree->GetBranch("fHLmd");
      Int_t nbr = ftree->GetNbranches();
      printf("HDT Tree with %d branches ",nbr);


      Int_t nevent = (Int_t)bnlmd->GetEntries();
      printf("and %d events \n",nevent);
      Int_t goon;
      Int_t firstevt=0;
      Int_t lastevt=0;
      printf("Type initial event number\n");
      if(firstevt<=0) {
	firstevt = 0;
	printf("WARNING: firstevt FORCED to 0\n");

      printf("Type final event number\n");
      if(lastevt>=nevent) {
	lastevt = nevent-1;
	printf("WARNING: lastevt FORCED to (nevent-1)\n");

	printf("WARNING: lastevt SMALLER than firstevt\n");

      if(firstevt>=0 || firstevt<lastevt && lastevt<nevent) {
        for (Int_t i=firstevt;i<lastevt;i++) {

          fHLmd = new TObjArray();

          if(!(i%kCHECK))printf("Event %d, %d lmd hits\n",i,fNHLmd);
 	  for (Int_t j=0; j<fNHLmd; j++) {
	    hlmd = (TFndHLmd*) fHLmd->At(j);
            Int_t dch = hlmd->GetCham();
	    Int_t wire = hlmd->GetWire();
            Int_t sf=0;
            if(dch <= 18 && dch >= 11)
              sf = dch - 11;
            if(dch <= 28 && dch >=21)
              sf = dch - 13;
            lmdmapadc->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
            Int_t al =  hlmd->GetAdcL();
            Int_t ar =  hlmd->GetAdcR();

            if((al+ar)!= 0)
              lmdmapadc0->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
            if((al*ar) != 0)
              lmdmapadc00->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
	    if(al != 0)
	      lmdmapadcl->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
	    if(ar != 0)
	      lmdmapadcr->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);


	  delete fHLmd;

        printf("new run? "1" yes, "0" no\n");
     //  OPEN  Histogram FILE
    const char *SUFF = "_lmd_adc.hist";
    Char_t *fhist =  new Char_t[strlen(&FVMS)+strlen(&nrun)+strlen(SUFF)];
    fhist = strcat(fhist,&nrun);
    fhist = strcat(fhist,SUFF);
    printf("write file %s\n",fhist);
    TFile *fist = new TFile(fhist,"RECREATE","Finuda ROOT histograms");
    for(Int_t sf = 0; sf < ndch; sf++){

2. geb2hdt.C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iostream.h>

//*                         ROOT   include files                   */

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include "TServerSocket.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
#include "TMessage.h"
#include "TBuffer.h"

//*                       FINUDA   include files                   */

#include "TFndFeeMap.h"
#include "TFndConst.h"
#include "TFndHHdr.h"
#include "TFndRawEqp.h"
#include "TFndRawSil.h"
#include "TFndRdt.h"
#include "TFndHdt.h"
#include "TFndHSil.h"
#include "TFndHTof.h"
#include "TFndHLmd.h"
#include "TFndHStb.h"
#include "TFndTrig.h"
#include "TFndCorbo.h"
#include "TFndDate.h"
#include "TFndGenInfo.h"

//*-------> UNIX only */

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>

//*-------> ZEBRA Common Block */

#include "cfortran.h"
#include "TFndZebini.h"


#ifdef __SC__
long G__globalvarpointer;

TROOT geb2hdt("geb2hdt","FINUDA geb2hdt conversion");

//*                              main                              */

main(Int_t argc, Char_t **argv) {

//*                       Read  the  mSQL  database                */

//   char *host = argv[1]; 
//   cout << "mSQL host is " << host << endl;

   const Int_t EVHEAD=0x10;
   const Int_t N_DET = 6;

// build up input file name

   const char *fpth = argv[2];
   const char *fgeb = "/geb/";
   const char *fnam = argv[3];
   const char *fonl = "onl";
   const char *fraw = ".raw";

   Int_t onlflg = 0;
      printf("argv[3] %s\n",fnam);
      cout << fnam << endl;
   if(!strcmp(fnam,fonl)) onlflg = 1;
   //cout << "Online flag is " << onlflg << endl;

   Int_t kSCALE = 1;
   if(onlflg) kSCALE = 10;

   Int_t ilen = strlen(fpth)+strlen(fgeb)+strlen(fnam)+strlen(fraw);
   Char_t *ifn = new Char_t[ilen];
   ifn = strcat(ifn,fgeb);
   ifn = strcat(ifn,fnam);
   ifn = strcat(ifn,fraw);

//    open input file
   FILE *f;
   if(!onlflg) {
     f = fopen(ifn,"rb");
     if (f==NULL) {
       cout << "file " << ifn << " does not exist" << endl;
// build up output file name

   const char *frdt = "/HDT/";
   const char *frot = ".hdt";
   Int_t olen = strlen(fpth)+strlen(frdt)+strlen(fnam)+strlen(frot);
   Char_t *ofn = new Char_t[olen];
   ofn = strcat(ofn,frdt);
   ofn = strcat(ofn,fnam);
   ofn = strcat(ofn,frot);

   Int_t fSockId = 0;
   Int_t rawsize = 0;
   Int_t ierr = 0;
   if (onlflg) {

     Int_t port_ev = 1242;
     struct sockaddr_in myaddr;
     bzero((char *) &myaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
     myaddr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
     myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
     myaddr.sin_port        = htons(port_ev);
     fSockId = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
     cout << " fSockId = " << fSockId << endl;
     if(fSockId == -1) {
       ierr = -1;
       cout << "ierr from FndRun(socket) is " << ierr << endl;
     rawsize = 32000;
     setsockopt(fSockId,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,(char *) &rawsize,sizeof(rawsize));
     ierr = bind(fSockId, (sockaddr *) &myaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
     if(ierr == -1) {
       ierr = -2;
       cout << "ierr from FndRun(socket) is " << ierr << endl;

     rawsize /= 4;
   if(!onlflg) {
//    read "event 0" header
     UInt_t *raw = new UInt_t[EVHEAD];
     if (fread(raw,sizeof(UInt_t), EVHEAD,f) !=EVHEAD) {
       cout << "file " << ifn << " is shorter than event header" << endl;
//    swap "event 0" header if needed
     for (Int_t j = 0; j< EVHEAD;j++ ) raw[j] = host2net(raw[j]); 
     delete [] raw;
//  create RDT & HDT output file and Tree

   cout << "Create Trees" << endl;
   TFile *of = new TFile(ofn,"RECREATE","Finuda ROOT histograms");
   TTree *rdtt = new TTree("RawTree", "FINUDA raw event tree");
   TTree *hdtt = new TTree("F","FINUDA HDT tree");
   hdtt->SetAutoSave(10000000);  // autosave when 10 Mbytes written
   rdtt->SetAutoSave(10000000);  // autosave when 10 Mbytes written

   cout << "Create RDT" << endl;
   TFndRdt *fndrdt = new TFndRdt();
   TFndHdt *fndhdt = new TFndHdt();

   TFndGenInfo *g = new TFndGenInfo();

   cout << "Create branches " << endl;

   TBranch *Bhdr;
   TBranch *Bdet[N_DET];
   TFndHHdr *hdr = 0;
   TFndRawEqp *gts = 0;
   TFndRawEqp *tof = 0;
   TFndRawSil *ism = 0;
   TFndRawSil *osm = 0;
   TFndRawEqp *lmd = 0;
   TFndRawEqp *stb = 0;

   Bhdr = rdtt->Branch("hdr","TFndHHdr",&hdr,64000,0);
   Bdet[0] = rdtt->Branch("gts","TFndRawEqp",&gts,64000,0);
   Bdet[1] = rdtt->Branch("tof","TFndRawEqp",&tof,64000,0);
   Bdet[2] = rdtt->Branch("ism","TFndRawSil",&ism,64000,0);
   Bdet[3] = rdtt->Branch("osm","TFndRawSil",&osm,64000,0);
   Bdet[4] = rdtt->Branch("lmd","TFndRawEqp",&lmd,64000,0);
   Bdet[5] = rdtt->Branch("stb","TFndRawEqp",&stb,64000,0);

   Int_t bsize = 6400;
   Int_t split = 1;
   TBranch *b = hdtt->Branch("fndhdt","TFndHdt",&fndhdt,bsize,split);

// connect to mSQL database

   char *host = argv[1]; 
   cout << "mSQL host is " << host << endl;

   TFndFeeMap *fndfeemap = new TFndFeeMap(host);
   if(fndfeemap->IsThere()) fndfeemap->Print();
   UInt_t evlen=-1;
   UInt_t ec=0;
   Int_t istop = 0;
   UInt_t *raw; 
   if(onlflg) { 
     Int_t one=1,n;
     ioctl(fSockId ,FIONBIO,&one);
     raw = new UInt_t[rawsize];
   Int_t RefRunNumber = 0;
   while (istop == 0) {
     cout << "process event " << ec;
     if(!onlflg) {
       if(fread(&evlen, sizeof(UInt_t), 1 , f)!=1) {
         istop = 1;
       evlen = host2net(evlen);
       raw = new UInt_t[evlen];
       raw[0] = evlen;
       cout << ", length " << evlen << endl; 
       if (1+fread(raw+1, sizeof(UInt_t), evlen-1, f) !=evlen) break;

     if(onlflg) {
       struct sockaddr_in claddr;
       Int_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
       bzero((char *) &claddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));    
       evlen = -1;
       while(evlen == -1) {
         bzero((char *) raw,sizeof(raw));
         evlen = recvfrom(fSockId,raw,rawsize*sizeof(int),0,(struct sockaddr *) &claddr,&addrlen);  
       printf(" Socket size %d Event %d addresses %X\n",evlen,raw[0],claddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
       evlen = evlen/sizeof(int);       
     for (Int_t j=0; j<evlen;  j++) raw[j] = host2net(raw[j]);

       cout << "event 0" << endl;    // next cicle if "Event 0"

// create and fill header branch

     hdr = new TFndHHdr(raw);           
//    create GenInfo object (run general information)
     Int_t RunNumber = hdr->GetRun();
     if(RunNumber != RefRunNumber) {
       RefRunNumber = RunNumber; 
       if(g) delete g;
       TFndGenInfo *g = new TFndGenInfo(raw);

// create and fill detector branches

     gts = 0;
     tof = 0;
     ism = 0;
     osm = 0;
     lmd = 0;
     stb = 0;
     for (Int_t j=0; j<N_DET; j++) {
//       cout << "detector " << j << endl;
       UInt_t *det = raw[7+j]? raw+raw[7+j] : (UInt_t*) NULL;
       if (det) {
         if(j == 0) {
	   gts = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
//           gts->Dump();
         if(j == 1) { 
	   tof = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
//           tof->Dump();
         if(j == 2) { 
	   ism = new TFndRawSil(raw,j);
//           ism->Dump();
         if(j == 3) { 
	   osm = new TFndRawSil(raw,j);
//           osm->Dump();
         if(j == 4) { 
	   lmd = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
//           lmd->Dump();
         if(j == 5) { 
           stb = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
//           stb->Dump();
//         cout << "fill branch " << j << " of raw tree" << endl;
//  create TFndRdt object 

     fndrdt = new TFndRdt(hdr,gts,tof,ism,osm,lmd,stb);
//     fndrdt->Dump();

//  create TFndHdt object

//     cout << "create HDT" << endl; 

     TFndHHdr *hdrf = new TFndHHdr(raw);
     TFndTrig *fAgts = new TFndTrig(tof);
//     cout << "HEADER" << hdrf << endl;
     fndhdt = new TFndHdt(ec,hdrf,fAgts);

//     cout << "GTS" << gts << endl;
     if(gts) fndrdt->GtsTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
//     cout << "TOF" << tof << endl;
     if(tof) fndrdt->TofTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
//     cout << "ISM " << ism << endl;
     if(ism) fndrdt->IsmTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
//     cout << "OSM " << osm << endl;
     if(osm) fndrdt->OsmTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
//     cout << "LMD " << lmd << endl;
     if(lmd) fndrdt->LmdTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
//     cout << "STB " << stb << endl;
     if(stb) fndrdt->StbTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);

//     fndhdt->Dump();

       Int_t nhtof = fndhdt->GetNHTof();
       Int_t nhsil = fndhdt->GetNHSil();
       Int_t nhlmd = fndhdt->GetNHLmd();
       Int_t nhstb = fndhdt->GetNHStb();
       Int_t nhtot = fndhdt->GetNHTot();
       cout << nhtot << " hits in event " << ec << ": ";
       cout << nhsil << " sil_hits, " << nhtof << " tof_hits, " << nhlmd << " lmd_hits, " << nhstb << " stb_hits" << endl;


       if(!(ec%(TFndConst::kCHECK/kSCALE))) { 
         cout << "store on output file at event " << ec << endl;
//       cout << "delete hdt and rdt" << endl;
       delete fndrdt; 
       delete fndhdt;

       if(!onlflg) delete [] raw; 
//    Write Events & database information

//    Close output file

3. TFndHLmd.h

#ifndef FIN_FndHLmd
#define FIN_FndHLmd

// TFndHLmd                                                             
// Description of the hit on Lmd                                        

#include "TObject.h"
#include "TMarker3DBox.h"
#include "TFndConst.h"

class TFndHLmd : public TObject {

  Int_t Cham;           // Drift Chamber Identifier
  Int_t Wire;           // Wire Number
  Int_t Tdc[2];         // TDC Values ([0]:left [1]:right)
  Int_t Adc[2];         // ADC Values ([0]:left [1]:right)
  Float_t x_c;           // x center coordinate  
  Float_t y_c;           // y center coordinate
  Float_t z_c;           // z center coordinate
  Float_t x_l;           // x local coordinate  
  Float_t y_l;           // y local coordinate
  Float_t z_l;           // z local coordinate
  Float_t x_g;           // x global coordinate  
  Float_t y_g;           // y global coordinate
  Float_t z_g;           // z global coordinate
  TMarker3DBox *hmarker; // Marker for Event Display
  TFndHLmd(Int_t a=0, Int_t b=0, Int_t c=0, Int_t e=0);

  Int_t GetCham() const { return Cham;   } // Get DC Number
  Int_t GetWire() const { return Wire;   } // Get Wire Number

  Int_t GetTdcL() const { return Tdc[0]; } // Get Left TDC
  Int_t GetTdcR() const { return Tdc[1]; } // Get Right TDC
  Int_t GetAdcL() const { return Adc[0]; } // Get Left ADC
  Int_t GetAdcR() const { return Adc[1]; } // Get Right ADC

  Float_t GetX() const { return x_g;      } // Get X
  Float_t GetY() const { return y_g;      } // Get Y
  Float_t GetZ() const { return z_g;      } // Get Z
  TMarker3DBox *GetMarker() const { return hmarker; } // Get Marker
  void SetTdcL(Int_t);
  void SetTdcR(Int_t);
  void SetAdcL(Int_t);
  void SetAdcR(Int_t);
  void Draw(char *);
  //  void MzBook();  // Book and Fill the FIDARC Zebra bank for Lmd Hits
  void Print();   // Print the Lmd Hit

  ClassDef(TFndHLmd,2)  // The LMD hit


4. TFndHLmd.C

#include <iostream.h>

#include "cfortran.h"

#include "TFndZebini.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TFndHLmd.h"


TFndHLmd::TFndHLmd(Int_t a, Int_t b, Int_t c, Int_t e) {
  Cham     = a;  
  Wire     = b;  
  Tdc[0]   = 0;
  Tdc[1]   = 0; 
  Adc[0]   = 0;
  Adc[1]   = 0;

  if (e == 3){
    Tdc[0]  = c;
  } else if (e == 4){
    Tdc[1]  = c; 
  } else if (e == 1){
    Adc[0]  = c;
  } else if (e == 2){
    Adc[1]  = c;

   Int_t n = a/10 -1;
   Double_t rad = TFndConst::kRADLMD[n];  
   Double_t fof = (1 - n)*TMath::Pi()*TFndConst::kROTANGLE/180.;
   Double_t angin = TMath::ATan2(TFndConst::kY0[n],TFndConst::kX0[n])+fof;
   Double_t angle = angin + (a - (n+1)*10)*(TMath::Pi()/4.);
   x_c = rad*TMath::Cos(angle);
   y_c = rad*TMath::Sin(angle);
//   Double_t len = 2.5;
//   z_c = 0.5*len*(((float)Adc[0]-Adc[1])/(Adc[0]+Adc[1]));  
    z_c = 0.;
    // to be updated  
   x_g = x_c;
   y_g = y_c;
   z_g = z_c;
   hmarker = new TMarker3DBox(x_g,y_g,z_g,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.,0.);

TFndHLmd::~TFndHLmd() {

  delete hmarker;

void TFndHLmd::SetAdcR(Int_t adcR) {
  Adc[1] = adcR;

void TFndHLmd::SetAdcL(Int_t adcL) {
  Adc[0] = adcL;

void TFndHLmd::SetTdcR(Int_t tdcR) {
  Tdc[1] = tdcR;

void TFndHLmd::SetTdcL(Int_t tdcL) {
  Tdc[0] = tdcL;
void TFndHLmd::Draw(char *opt) {
  if (opt == "L"){
    x_g = x_g - x_c;
    y_g = y_g - y_c;
    z_g = z_g - z_c;


void TFndHLmd::MzBook() {

   Int_t *lq = &Zebini.jfrdt;
   Int_t *iq = lq+8;
   Int_t *q = lq+8;

   Int_t jb=-4;
   char* chid = "DCH1";
   Int_t nl=0;
   Int_t ns=0;
   Int_t nd=9;
   Int_t iod=2;
   Int_t nz=0;
   Int_t ldch1=0;

   cout << "call MzBooki, lq = " << lq << endl;

   mzbook_(&Zebini.ixdst ,&ldch1 ,&Zebini.jfges ,&jb ,&chid ,&nl ,&ns ,&nd ,&iod,&nz);

  *(iq+ldch1) = Cham;
  *(iq+ldch1+1) = Wire;
  *(iq+ldch1+2) = 0; 
  *(iq+ldch1+3) = 0;
  *(iq+ldch1+4) = 0;
  *(iq+ldch1+5) = Tdc[0]; 
  *(iq+ldch1+6) = Tdc[1];
  *(iq+ldch1+7) = Adc[0];
  *(iq+ldch1+8) = Adc[1];

  for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) cout << "ldch1+" << i << " = " << *(iq+ldch1+i) << endl;


void TFndHLmd::Print() {
  cout << "LMD Hit: ";
  cout << "DC " << Cham << ", ";
  cout << "Wire " << Wire << endl;
  cout << "L/R  ADC: " << Adc[0] << ", " << Adc[1] << ", ";
  cout << "L/R  TDC: " << Tdc[0] << ", " << Tdc[1] << endl;
  printf("x_c %f, y_c %f, z_c %f\n",x_c,y_c,z_c);
  printf("x_l %f, y_l %f, z_l %f\n",x_l,y_l,z_l);
  printf("x_g %f, y_g %f, z_g %f\n",x_g,y_g,z_g);

void TFndHLmd::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) {
   // Stream an object of class TFndHLmd.

   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { }
      R__b >> Cham;
      R__b >> Wire;
      R__b >> x_c;
      R__b >> y_c;
      R__b >> z_c;
      if(R__v > 1) {
        R__b >> x_l;
        R__b >> y_l;
        R__b >> z_l;
        R__b >> x_g;
        R__b >> y_g;
        R__b >> z_g;
      R__b >> hmarker; 
   } else {
      R__b << Cham;
      R__b << Wire;
      R__b.WriteArray(Tdc, 2);
      R__b.WriteArray(Adc, 2);
      R__b << x_c;
      R__b << y_c;
      R__b << z_c;
      R__b << x_l;
      R__b << y_l;
      R__b << z_l;
      R__b << x_g;
      R__b << y_g;
      R__b << z_g;
      R__b << hmarker;

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