RE:cint message

From: Christoph Borgmeier (
Date: Fri Aug 28 1998 - 10:31:05 MEST

On 28 Aug 1998, Pasha Murat wrote:

> Masaharu Goto writes:
>  > Christoph,
>  > 
>  > >class STLObjArray<MC_Track*> in ObjArray.hh line 57 original base of
>  > >virtual func
>  > This is no harm and this means those classes are roots of polymorphic 
>  > inheritance.  This is just an information.   I thought it would be sometimes
>  > useful to knew which were the grand-base classes.  So far, no one is using
>  > this info.
>  > 
> 	I'd like to comment here that for ROOT users this information
> makes a lot of sense.  The diagnostics above warns user that the
> corresponding class has not been derived from TObject and therefore
> virtual functions of TObject as Draw(...), Streamer(...) etc can't be
> used.
> 	Next, all ROOT containers are lists of TObject*'s, so  it is also 
> dangerous to put objects of such a class into any of ROOT containers.


this comment makes me curious: the class definition starts as follows:

template<class T>
class STLlObjArray: public TObjArray
  typedef T value_type;
  typedef value_type& reference;
  typedef const value_type& const_reference;

It's clear, this class is mainly a wrapper for TObjArray, providing STL
compatibility and standard iterators. It was meant to fit completely into
the ROOT frameworks. Can someone see, what's wrong here?

Best regards

 Christoph Borgmeier    Mail:  DESY F15/HERA-B, Geb. 61/117
                               Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg
 Humboldt Univ Berlin   Phone: +49 40 8998 4850

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