problem in TView::SetView

From: Ye Shuwei (
Date: Sun Aug 30 1998 - 18:20:50 MEST

Hi, ROOT team,

    When I use TView::SetView to change the view angle, it always cause
" *** Break *** segmentation violation " in case TGeometry is drawn.

    Here is the macro I used:

 new TCanvas("can","test",700,500);
 TPad *m_Pad = (TPad*)gPad;

 TGeometry *ams = new TGeometry("ams","ams.C");
 mat   = new TMaterial("mat16","VACUUM",0,0,0);
 AMSG  = new TBRIK("AMSG","AMSG","mat16",190,190,190);
 node1 = new TNode("AMSG1","AMSG1","AMSG");

   Float_t theta=90; Float_t phi=0;


//   gPad->SetPhi(-90-phi); gPad->SetTheta(90-theta);

   TView *view = new TView(1);
   view->SetRange(-800.0, -800.0, -520.0, 800.0, 800.0, 520.0);  

   Int_t iret;
   if ( theta != 9999 && phi != 9999 ) view->SetView(phi, theta, 0, iret);


   If I use gPad->SetPhi/SetTheta to change instead of view->SetView, it is

    Did I invoke in a wrong way to change view angle ?

    Thanks in advance  --Shuwei

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