filtering a tree

From: T Auger (
Date: Tue Sep 29 1998 - 20:49:07 MEST

Hi ROOTers,
I am trying to copy from an existing tree only a fraction of the
events into a new tree. To do this filtering, I would like to be able to use
TCut as arguments like when I do a tree.Draw(); so I create an
TEventList which I then use to get the events which do satisfy my
criteria. I can create a tree but when I try to do a Draw() on this
new tree, ROOT bumps with this message:

root [3] tree_out.Draw("event.Mm_gp()")
Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
Warning in <TBranchObject::GetBasket>: Estimated keylen too small=2468
Fatal in <operator new>: storage exhausted

I do not understand what's happening. It is quite similar to what's being
done in the CloneTree() TTree member function.
here is the macro :

TFile f("/home/crash30/thierry/run12415/run12415_v1.root");
TTree *tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("T");
TTree *tree_out = (TTree*) tree->Clone();
TClasEvent *event;
   Int_t nbytes = 0;
Float_t test;
cout<<" Nentries "<<tree->GetEntries()<<endl;
//    tree_out->Branch("event", "TClasEvent", &event, 1000,0);
  // copy branch addresses
   Int_t i;
   TObjArray *leaves  = tree->GetListOfLeaves();
   TObjArray *tleaves = tree_out->GetListOfLeaves();
   Int_t nleaves = leaves->GetEntriesFast();
   for (i=0;i<nleaves;i++) {
      TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)leaves->UncheckedAt(i);
      TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
      if (branch->GetAddress()) {
      } else {
         TLeaf *leaf2 = (TLeaf*)tleaves->UncheckedAt(i);

TEventList *elist1 = new TEventList("elist1","test",10000);

   Int_t nentries = elist1->GetN();
    for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {
      if(i%100 == 0) cout<<"alors"<<endl;
      nbytes += tree->GetEvent(elist1->GetEntry(i));

Does anyone see how this could work (or why it doesn't work)?

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