Re: Root and MSVC++

From: S.P. Wakely (
Date: Wed Sep 30 1998 - 05:30:10 MEST

>   To answer your question I'd like to see the compilation flags and 
> macros you supplied.
>  Did you use those from the %rootsys%/test/makefile ?

I am using largely the default options for a dialog-based application.
There seems to be no missing options which could account for these errors,
but what do I know?

These are the project flags I am using:

/nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "c:\root\include" /D "WIN32" /D

-S.P. Wakely

PS.. I am using VC++ 5.0 in Windows 95.

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