Method SetPoints of class TTRAP

Date: Fri Oct 16 1998 - 09:44:23 MEST

  To the authors of ROOT,
  I think there is an error in the method SetPoints of the class TTRAP.
TTRAP requires, among other parameters, the parameter alpha2, which is
not used in the method SetPoints (which is impossible).
Here is the original code of the method SetPoints, with indication of
the problem.

 void TTRAP::SetPoints(Float_t *buff)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Create TRAP
//*-*                            ==================

    Float_t dx, dy, dx1, dx2, dz, theta, phi, alpha;
    const Float_t PI = Float_t (TMath::Pi());

    alpha = fAlpha1    * PI/180.0;  <=== WRONG ? should we not have a 
                                                <=== definition of
alpha1 and alpha2 ?
    theta = TBRIK::fDx * PI/180.0;
    phi   = TBRIK::fDy * PI/180.0;

    dx  = 2*fDz*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
    dy  = 2*fDz*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi);
    dz  = TBRIK::fDz;

    dx1 = 2*fH1*TMath::Tan(alpha);
    dx2 = 2*fH2*TMath::Tan(alpha);  <=== WRONG ? should it not be alpha2

    if (buff) {
        buff[ 0] = -fBl1;        buff[ 1] = -fH1;    buff[ 2] = -dz;
        buff[ 3] =  fBl1;        buff[ 4] = -fH1;    buff[ 5] = -dz;
        buff[ 6] =  fTl1+dx1;    buff[ 7] =  fH1;    buff[ 8] = -dz;
        buff[ 9] = -fTl1+dx1;    buff[10] =  fH1;    buff[11] = -dz;
        buff[12] = -fBl2+dx;     buff[13] = -fH2+dy; buff[14] = dz;
        buff[15] =  fBl2+dx;     buff[16] = -fH2+dy; buff[17] = dz;
        buff[18] =  fTl2+dx+dx2; buff[19] =  fH2+dy; buff[20] = dz;
        buff[21] = -fTl2+dx+dx2; buff[22] =  fH2+dy; buff[23] = dz;

  Thanks for your help.

F.X. Gentit
tel : 01 69 08 30 38

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