
From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Nov 04 1998 - 08:49:55 MET

Timothy Smith wrote:
> Hello Rooters,
>         I am trying to create, store, redraw, etc. some cuts
> in my ntuples.  This works well enough in the Macros,  and
> in my compiled code I can make a TCutG via the editor,  which
> is called CUTG.  But when I what to rename it such that
> I can have more then one cut,  I do not really know what
> "CUTG" is.  Does it belong to ??
> The below is fine in Macros,  but not in compiled.
>       gROOT->SetEditorMode("CutG");
>       CUTG->SetName("firstCut");

Hi Tim,
To access a TCutG object created with the graphics editor, do:
  TCutG *mycutg = (TCutG*)gPad->GetPrimitive("CUTG");

Note that the above method applies to all objects in a pad.
I have added this info in the documentation of the class TCutG.

Rene Brun

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