Re: Writing an 'array' of numbers into a root file

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 12:05:57 MET

A small correction to the rules given by Rene:

Rene Brun wrote:
> As you have found, the classes TArrayF, etc do not derive from
> TObject, BUT they have their Streamer method.
> To be streamed to the output buffer, a class does not need to derive
> from TObject. Here are the rules:
>  -If a class derives from TObject, rootcint can generate automatically
>   the Streamer function if ClassDef is specified in the header file.
>  -If a class does not derive from TObject (such as TArrayF), you
>   can implement the Streamer function (case of TArrayF) and still use
>   ClassDef in the header file.

and you MUST implement the methods:
  TBuffer &operator>>(TBuffer&, YourClass *&)
  TBuffer &operator<<(TBuffer &, const YourClass *)

Like for TArray:

TBuffer &operator>>(TBuffer &buf, TArray *&obj)
   // Read TArray object from buffer. Function declared in ClassDef.

   obj = (TArray *) TArray::ReadArray(buf, TArray::Class());
   return buf;

TBuffer &operator<<(TBuffer &buf, const TArray *obj)
   // Write TArray or derived object to buffer.

   TArray::WriteArray(buf, obj);
   return buf;

>  -If a class derives from TObject and contains a TArrayF
>   rootcint generates the Streamer code correctly.
>  -If a class derives from TObject and contains a pointer to a TArrayF
>   rootcint generates a Streamer class with the statement:
>      R__b >> pointer;
>   This statement must be changed to:
>      pointer->Streamer(R__b);
>   This could be done automatically by rootcint (not implemented).

rootcint generates the correct code:

        R__b >> pointer;
        R__b << pointer;

this will handle 0 pointers and circularities correctly.

>  -If a class derives from TObject and contains a pointer to a basic type
>   rootcint generates the code, issuing a warning: example
>    In your class MuTrack, I have added a member
>      Float_t *fX;
>    You get the message:
>     *** Datamember MuTrack::fX: pointer to fundamental type (need
> manual    MuTrack::Streamer includes commented statements like:
>       //R__b.WriteArray(fX, __COUNTER__);
>    In such case, you typically have the array length as a data member
>     (say member fN). Simply replace the commented statement by:
>        R__b.WriteArray(fX,fN);
> When you provide the function Streamer yourself, you can instruct
> rootcint to not generate the code for Streamer by adding the character
> "-" to the class name in the file LinkDef.h. Example
>       #pragma link C++ class MuTrack-;
> We are currently discussing:
>   - the possibility to derive the TArray classes from TObject
>   - the possibility to generate automatically the code in case
>     of a pointer to a basic type. Consider the following example
>        Int_t     fN;
>        Float_t  *fX;  //[fN] array of floats with length fN
>     If rootcint finds a reference to a data member in the comments,
>     it could automatically generate the instruction:
>        R__b.WriteArray(fX,fN);
> Now concerning your last point with TVector, your code is correct.
> You hit a problem in the function TVector::ResizeTo.
> This problem has now been fixed in our development version.
> Thanks for reporting it.
> Rene Brun

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