drawable regions in TPostScript

From: Yasuhiro SHIRASAKI (joke@awa.tohoku.ac.jp)
Date: Mon Nov 16 1998 - 14:57:03 MET

Hi ROOTers,

In the function TStyle::SetPaperSize(), it sets (20, 26) as a
paper size for kA4. Then these values are referenced in the
TPostScript::Open() as a size of drawable region.

But it makes inconsistency the other definition which is
calculated in the function of TPostScript::Initialize() as a
pair value of width and heigth. For kA4, [width, heigth] (height?)
= [19.6, 27.72]. Is it a bug?


Yasuhiro SHIRASAKI : Experimental Particle Physics, JLC Team
Graduate school of Science, TOHOKU University 980-8578 Japan.
Phone: +81-22-217-6727 Fax: +81-22-217-6728

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