Re: using Root with SunOs

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Nov 21 1998 - 15:52:09 MET

Hi Paul,
It seems that you have a problem when linking your executable
module mcfast2root (look the error message).
The messages printed by Root are clear. There is no dictionary
for your class TMCFastHepParticle.
I see that in your makefile, you also create a shared library with
all your classes. Could you try the following Root session
to check that your classes are really there.
  root (run standard root module)
 Root > gSystem->Load("libTMCFast");
 Root > .class TMCFastHepParticle
   This command should show the functions in this class.

Rene Brun

Paul M. Eugenio wrote:
> Dear Rooters,
> I have developed a few packages which work well using Root on an Alpha
> w/ gcc 2.8.1.  I have tried to port my code to SunOs which uses the Root
>  Sun CC version. My programs compile and link, but when I run them I get this
> segmentation violation:
> jlabs2> mcfast2root
> Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class TMCFastHepParticle is availbble
> Error in <TClonesArray::TClonesArray>: TMCFastHepParticle does not inherit from TObject
>  *** Break *** segmentation violation
> Abort
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have spent some time trying to fix this but have failed.  Is there
> a know fix for this problem (i.e. is this problem common).
> I would like to build a SunOs gcc 2.8.1 version of Root. Any ideas on which makefile and option to use?  Thanks for any ideas.
> --
> Paul M. Eugenio
> Dept. of Physics
> Carnegie Mellon University
> (412) 268 6949
>                 _____________________________________________________
>                / The scholar should know; one builds science with    \
>         o O 0 / the facts just like a house can be built of stones;   \
>        o     | but an accumulation of facts is not a science just like |
>   `\|||/      \           that a pile of stones is not a house.       /
>    (o o)       \_____________________________________________________/
> ooO_(_)_Ooo___________________________________________Henri Poincare'_
> _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____
> __|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_
> _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____
> Extras that may help: (output from the make)
> make mcfast2root
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c TMCFastHepEvt.cxx
> "TMCFastHepParticle.h", line 80: Warning: TMCFastHepParticle::Print hides the vi
> rtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> "TMCFastHepEvt.h", line 43: Warning: TMCFastHepEvt::Clear hides the virtual func
> tion TObject::Clear(const char*).
> "TMCFastHepEvt.h", line 43: Warning: TMCFastHepEvt::Print hides the virtual func
> tion TObject::Print(const char*).
> 3 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c TMCFastTOF.cxx
> "TMCFastOfflineTrack.h", line 141: Warning: TMCFastOfflineTrack::Print hides the
>  virtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> "TMCFastTOF.h", line 142: Warning: TMCFastTOF::Print hides the virtual function
> TObject::Print(const char*).
> 2 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c TMCFastOfflineTrack.cxx
> "TMCFastOfflineTrack.h", line 141: Warning: TMCFastOfflineTrack::Print hides the
>  virtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> 1 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c TMCFastHepEvtDict.cxx
> "TMCFastHepParticle.h", line 80: Warning: TMCFastHepParticle::Print hides the vi
> rtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> "TMCFastHepEvt.h", line 43: Warning: TMCFastHepEvt::Clear hides the virtual func
> tion TObject::Clear(const char*).
> "TMCFastHepEvt.h", line 43: Warning: TMCFastHepEvt::Print hides the virtual func
> tion TObject::Print(const char*).
> 3 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c TMCFastHepParticle.cxx
> "TMCFastHepParticle.h", line 80: Warning: TMCFastHepParticle::Print hides the vi
> rtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> 1 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c TMCFastTOFDict.cxx
> "TMCFastOfflineTrack.h", line 141: Warning: TMCFastOfflineTrack::Print hides the
>  virtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> "TMCFastTOF.h", line 142: Warning: TMCFastTOF::Print hides the virtual function
> TObject::Print(const char*).
> 2 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c TMCFastOfflineTrackDict.c
> xx
> "TMCFastOfflineTrack.h", line 141: Warning: TMCFastOfflineTrack::Print hides the
>  virtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> 1 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c
> x
> "TMCFastHepParticle.h", line 80: Warning: TMCFastHepParticle::Print hides the vi
> rtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> 1 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -O -KPIC -g -I/work/halld/root.SunOS/include -I. -c mcfast2root.cxx
> "TMCFastHepParticle.h", line 80: Warning: TMCFastHepParticle::Print hides the vi
> rtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> "TMCFastHepEvt.h", line 43: Warning: TMCFastHepEvt::Clear hides the virtual func
> tion TObject::Clear(const char*).
> "TMCFastHepEvt.h", line 43: Warning: TMCFastHepEvt::Print hides the virtual func
> tion TObject::Print(const char*).
> "TMCFastOfflineTrack.h", line 141: Warning: TMCFastOfflineTrack::Print hides the
>  virtual function TObject::Print(const char*).
> "TMCFastTOF.h", line 142: Warning: TMCFastTOF::Print hides the virtual function
> TObject::Print(const char*).
> 5 Warning(s) detected.
> CC -G -g TMCFastHepEvt.o TMCFastTOF.o TMCFastOfflineTrack.o  TMCFastHepEvtDict.o
>  TMCFastHepParticle.o TMCFastTOFDict.o TMCFastOfflineTrackDict.o TMCFastHepParti
> cleDict.o  -o
> CC -g mcfast2root.o TMCFastHepEvt.o TMCFastTOF.o TMCFastOfflineTrack.o  TMCFastH
> epEvtDict.o TMCFastHepParticle.o TMCFastTOFDict.o TMCFastOfflineTrackDict.o TMCF
> astHepParticleDict.o  -L/work/halld/root.SunOS/lib -lNew -lBase -lCint -lClib -l
> Cont -lFunc -lGraf -lGraf3d -lHist -lHtml -lMatrix -lMeta -lMinuit -lNet -lPosts
> cript -lProof -lTree -lUnix -lZip -lm -lsocket -lgen -lsunmath -o mcfast2root
> ild: (Performing full relink) too many files changed
> mcfast2root  done

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