problem of rootcint in root2.00/13 at IBM/AIX

From: Ye Shuwei (
Date: Tue Dec 01 1998 - 16:26:43 MET

Dear rooters,

     I met a strange and seemingly very simple problem in root2.00/13 at
IBM/AIX. That is, when I tried "rootcint -f test_Dict.cxx -c test.h", got the
error below.

Note: operator new() masked 1c
Note: operator delete() masked 1c
Error: Unexpected EOF G__fgetc() FILE:test.h LINE:15Advice: You may need to
use +P or -p option

The header file of test.h is very simple:

#ifndef DEBUGGER_H
#define DEBUGGER_H

#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include <TObject.h>

class Debugger : public TObject
  Bool_t isOn;                  //Is the debugger on?
  ~Debugger() {}
  void On() { isOn = kTRUE;}    // Turn on the debugger
  void Off() { isOn = kFALSE;}  // Turn off the debugger
  void Print(char * fmt, ... ); // Print a debug message

  ClassDef(Debugger, 1)         // Debug message printing class

//#ifndef __CINT__
EXTERN Debugger debugger;


After some tests, I located the problem. The statement of "EXTERN Debugger
debugger;" causes the problem. What it worked for older version !

Any suggestions ?

Best regards  --Shuwei

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