RE:ROOT Bug Report

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Wed Dec 02 1998 - 11:55:28 MET


>1. TString's (char*) typecast doesn't seem to work
>with printf()...
>01   root> TString s( "asdf" );
>02   root> cout << s << endl;
>03   asdf
>04   root> cout << (char*) s << endl;
>05   asdf
>06   root> printf("%s\n", (char*) s );
>07   ^PF <
>08   root> cout << s << endl:
>09   root> cout << s << endl;
>10   asdf
>11   root> 
>i think i had a similar problem  with the (char*)
>typecast when i was trying to pass a TString as an
>argument where a char* was expected.
>(workaround: use Data() member function instead of typecast)

TString has  'operator const char*()' but not 'operator char*()'. Cint
missed this one.  I fixed this.  

>2. also, regarding line 08 (where i have mistakenly typed
>":" instead of ";"), why is no output generated?

In this case 'cout<<s<<endl:' is taken as a label name. I wasn't checking
validity of label name. I can check for operator chars in label to verify.
But this can't be perfect. 
  root> s:               ### NO ERROR, taken as label
There is no way to detect this error.

Masaharu Goto

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