Re: View with OpenGL problem

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Dec 04 1998 - 16:13:30 MET

O'NEEL Bruce wrote:
> Hi,
>   When I run with my newly rebuilt root on Solaris I get the following
> problem when I choose "View with OpenGL" off of the menu.  A brief
> search for Mesa or OpenGL on the root site mentions loading GL.C, but,
> no GL.C seems to come with either 2.00/13 or 2.20/01.  Obviously I'm
> doing something silly...
> Thanks!
> cheers
> bruce
> root [0] .x demos.C
> root [1] TFile**                hsimple.root
>  TFile*         hsimple.root
>   KEY: TH1F     hpx;1   This is the px distribution
>   KEY: TH2F     hpxpy;1 py vs px
>   KEY: TProfile hprof;1 Profile of pz versus px
>   KEY: TNtuple  ntuple;1        Demo ntuple
> Error in <TROOT::Macro>: macro GL.C not found in path .:/isdc/software/root/macros
> Error in <TPad::x3d>: OpenGL shared libraries not loaded

Hi Bruce,
Currently, we generate the Root/OpenGL version only for Linux
and HP-UX. On these two systems we provide a macro GL.C
to dynamically link with the GL libraries. GL.C is in $ROOTSYS/macros.
The NT version of Root comes with GL by default.

We could also generate the OPENGL version for all other platforms.
This requires GL (OpenGL or MesaGL) to be installed first
on these platforms.
We will do this gradually. It would be nice if we could get some help
to make this installation and if we had volunteers to help
generating the corresponding Root GL library.

Rene Brun

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