
From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Dec 18 1998 - 14:33:40 MET

vdschaaf wrote:
> Hi,
> I've a problem with TTree's.
> If I have a big tree (say 200 Mb) and want to access ntuple data in it, I
> typically say
> f=new TFile(".....");
> TTree *ntuple = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("ntuple");
>  int nevent=ntuple->GetEntries();
>      for (i=0; i<nevent; i++) {
>        ntuple->GetEvent(i);
>         ......
>     }
> but after the Get, it starts to load 200 Mb of data into memory......That won't
> work. Is there another method to access the data without loading everything
> into memory first?

I suspect something wrong when you wrote your TTree.
Could yous end me the output of
added immediatly after Get("ntuple")

Rene Brun

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