Crashing Linux by filling memory

From: Stephen Bailey (
Date: Tue Jan 05 1999 - 23:24:11 MET


I just really hosed a Linux machine by running a ROOT job that
apparently filled up memory.  After the ROOT job died with

  Fatal in <operator new>: storage exhausted

The machine was rendered incapacitated, with all commands producing
segmentation violations and eventually the system killing the
window manager and reporting "unable to load interpreter" for any
further command attempts.  Nothing short of a reboot assuaged its
distress.  This is the second time that this has happened to me with
various ROOT jobs.

The obvious answer is that I have a memory leak, and I did find one
that put around 5000 TMinuit objects in memory before the crash.
But no other call to new in my code is within the main event loop.

What concerns me most is that ROOT/CINT can do this.  I'm not used to
being able to crash Linux so severly.  On some level, this seems to
be a Linux bug for it to allow me/ROOT to crash it.  If anyone has
experience with this style of crash, please let me know. I can
provide a tarball of my program, etc. as needed.  I haven't been
able to regularly repeat the crash -- usually it just ends with

   *** Break *** segmentation violation

  Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing existing histogram: h1
  Fatal in <operator new>: storage exhausted

But doesn't actually completely hang the system.  Advice or insight
on making my system more robust would be appreciated.



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