Re: Tree Questions

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Jan 15 1999 - 17:31:18 MET

Christoph Borgmeier wrote:
> Hello all,
> I think, there could be certain things done to achieve a consistent
> behaviour or slit and non-split Trees and TClonesArrays and polymorphic
> tree entries.
> As I understand it, split TClonesArrays are used to store huge amounts of
> flat rectangular data, similar to the FORTRAN solutions. Graphical objects
> can be stored in a polymorphic way (non-TClonesArray) and are not split.
> This seems to be an object-oriented database. I wonder, if it is possible
> to combine these two approaches smoothly. For reconstructed objects like
> different type of particle patterns and vertices, the polymorphic storage
> seems very attractive.

Hi Christoph,
Thanks for all the contributions to this thread about TTrees.
I was thinking to make a summary this week-end, but your mail
triggered an early reply.
Yes, you are right. We concluded in the same way at the start
of the Root project. One must support two apparent conflicting
  - Storage of polymorphic objects (like an OODBMS)
  - Storage of object attributes (like an RDBMS)
A data base will typically be a combination of these 2 modes.
A reconstruction program will typically use more the first form.
A final analysis program will use almost exclusively
the last form (like ntuples).

> I found one problem on each side up to now:
> * The polymorphic version stores objects, which are referenced by others,
> and recreates them when the others are read from the tree. A hashing
> mechanism makes sure, that they are only loaded once per branch. The
> problem is, that they are not deleted, when the next event is loaded. This
> should be simple, since a list of all specially created objects must
> exist. Up to now, I make my own hash table, looking up the TDataMembers.
> That really takes some time. This small extension to ROOT would help a
> lot.

I do not understand this point. Root will automatically delete
any previous object attached to a pointer. You do not need
to delete the objects of the previous event before reading
the second event.

> * The idea of the TClonesArray-Entries is to store mainly scalars, and to
> reference entries of other Arrays by their indices. This is similar to the
> FORTRAN world. The disadvantage is, that it is not self-describing and
> different arrays can be easily confused, e.g. what would be
>   Int_t fcluster;
> if there are several TClonesArrays of reconstructed and Monte-Carlo
> Calorimeter information. Another restriction is, that all instanciations
> of certain classes have to be member of exactly one TClonesArray. (The
> latter might be unavoidable.)

The objects stored in a TClonesArray can be derived from other
objects. However, objects in a TClonesArray must be "Clones",
have the same length. You should not create dynamic objects
withing objects in a TClonesArray. But these objects can be
complex objects.

A TClonesArray IS self-describing. As a proof, you can generate
automatically the analysis code via TTree::MakeClass.
There is also no problems with classes having the same attribute
name in different TClonesArray. A TClonesArray goes to one
super-branch. Each attribute of the referenced class in turn
goes to a separate branch.
During the analysis, an attribute of a class in a TClonesArray
can be referenced by
 - its attribute name if it is unique.
 - branchName.Attributename if it is not unique.

> My proposal would be to create a class around these integers to provide
> the referencation and to guide the compiler and the user. This could be
> done inline for compiled and CINT-interpreted code. Something like this
> (very rough):
> template<class T>
> class TClonesPointer
> {
> public:
>   ...
>   inline T& operator*() const { return *fArray->At( fIdx ); }
>   inline T* operator->() const { return fArray->At( fIdx ); }
>   ...
> private:
>   static TClonesArray* fArray;
>   Uint_t fIdx;
> };
> Note that these objects can have the same memory layout as unsigned int
> (if they are not derived from anything and don't have virtual functions).
> For each template instanciation, one can indicate which array is refered
> to. Maybe like this:
>   TCLonesArray myEllipses("TEllipse");
>   ClonesPointer<TEllipse>::fArray = &myEllipses; // maybe done by some
>                                                  // clever automatism
>   class GoesIntoTheClonesArray
>   {
>     ...
>     ClonesPointer<TEllipse> elli;
>   } x;
>   x.elli = ... ;
>   x.elli->SetX1(.2);
> What do you think?

That is what I was calling a TRefList in a previous posting.
Nick West has also addressed this problem in his recent posting.
I agree that this functionality should be provided.
We still have to mature the user interface.

Rene Brun

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