error while projecting ntuples to a histograms

From: Arturas Vaitaitis (
Date: Mon Jan 25 1999 - 01:25:29 MET

Hello rooters!
While doing projection from ntuple to histograms root gives the
following error:
mmzip: memory buffer is too small for compresion

I run the code not in the interpretor, rather in separate in
If I try to run an interpretor it runs but plots strange results(by
strange I mean If I do the same plots in PAW I got different results)

Please if you have any hints or comments send me an e-mail.

below is a piece of the code that does projecting ntuples into

// This is a member function
// returns a pointer to a histogram 
TH1F* DIS::getHst(char* hstName, char *cut) 
  TH1F* hist=NULL;
  TFile *objfile = new TFile(objFilename);
  // store pointer to the file for closing it later
  fileToClose[fCntr] = objfile;
  TTree *ntp = (TTree*)objfile->Get("h14");
  for(int i=0; i< NUM; i++) {
    if(!strcmp(hstId[i],hstName)) {
      hist = new TH1F(hstId[i],hstTit[i],nbin[i],low[i],high[i]); 
      numberBins = hist->Integral(0,hist->GetNbinsX());
  return hist;

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