Re: Does y2 have to be greater than y1 in Range or DrawFrame?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 22:53:06 MET

Chris Jillings wrote:
> Rene,
>     Thank you for the answer to my previous question; it worked
> beautifully.
>     My question concerns ploting (theta,phi) points on a rectangular
> projection. I would like the top to have theta=0 and the bottom to have
> theta = 180. If I do a
>       p2->DrawFrame(0,180,360,0);
> I end up with a frame that has y-range from 179 to 181. If I do a
>       p2->DrawFrame(0,0,360,180);
> everything works, but is upside down.

Hi Chris,
The axis drawing routines always assume the minimum of the axis
drawn at the bottom or left part of the pad.
To force the other way around, you will have to make instances
of the TGaxis class and draw yourself these objects.
The TPad constructor and TPad::DrawFrame are protected against
minimum > maximum

Rene Brun

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