Sending/Receiving TClonesArray

From: Yves Schutz (
Date: Thu Jan 28 1999 - 17:35:28 MET


I have followed the directives from the client/server tutorial and
from one of the entries to roottalk to send/receive a TClonesArray:

sender code:

   fEmCal = new TClonesArray("CAREmCell", 4);

    for (Int_t i=0; i<4; i++){
     new( (*fEmCal)[i]) CAREmCell(i, i*10, i*20, i*30) ;

    TMessage mess(kMESS_OBJECT);       // sends a message

receiver code :

        TSocket  * s;                          
        TMessage * mess=0;
	TClonesArray * det=0;

        s = fMonitor->Select();               
	Int_t status = s->Recv(mess);          

        if (mess->What() == kMESS_OBJECT) {   
	  TClass* clas = mess->GetClass();
	  if (clas) cout << clas->GetName() << endl ;
	  det = (TClonesArray *)mess->ReadObject(clas);
          for (Int_t i=0; i < det->GetEntries(); i++){ 
           CAREmCell * c = (CAREmCell *)(det->At(i));
//	   c->Print();

I get a segmentation fault on the line:

	  det = (TClonesArray *)mess->ReadObject(clas);
with the following traceback:

#2 0x........ in TBuffer::ReadObject()
#1 0x........ in TClonesArray::Streamer()
#0 0x........ in TClass::New()

It becomes really ennoying when I uncomment the line:

//	   c->Print();

then .... everything works fine!

Anybody has a clue to that ?

Thanks ... Yves
|Yves SCHUTZ  (IN2P3 - CNRS) collaboration TAPS/WA98/ALICE         | 
|SUBATECH                                                          |
|Ecole des Mines de Nantes Telephone: (+33/0) 2 51 85 84 71        | 
|4, rue Alfred Kastler     Fax      : (+33/0) 2 51 85 84 79        |
|F-44070 Nantes cedex 03   e-mail   :|

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