How to fill 2D from Ntuple?

From: William Love (
Date: Tue Feb 02 1999 - 23:25:58 MET

   Root experts (Valery gave up)

   I am trying to dump two 2D arrays  from an ntuple to two TH2F's so I
 can subtract them.  The arrays are 56X29 so I predefine the output arrays

  TH2F hv6("hv6","fooey",56,-0.5,55.5,29,-0.5,28.5)

  I then try to fill the array with 

 ntb->Draw("index:irad>>hv6","bzme*(index<29 && iphi==9)","lego")

 If I inspect hv6 beforehand it is 56X29  as expected.  After the fill 
 the array is 40X40 with the consequent mismatch of the binning and 
 the data.  What am I doing wrong?  I have the results of hv6.Dump()
 both before and after the Draw if you want to look at them.

                                              Bill Love

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