Moving Text crashes my machine

From: Stephen Eichblatt (
Date: Thu Feb 04 1999 - 04:06:19 MET

Hi All,

I have an odd problem which causes my machine to crash, and i have finally
got it to reproduce itself twice in a row...

I am running root 2.20.06 on RedHat linux.
I don't have the exact transcript, because it always crashes, but here it

root [0] TFile f("flipRTFbode1-1.root")
root [1]
TFile**         flipRTFbode1-1.root
 TFile*         flipRTFbode1-1.root
  KEY: TH1F     Qo;1    bode1-1-Qi
  KEY: TH1F     Qi;1    bode1-1-Qi
  KEY: TH1F     P1;1    bode1-1-P1
  KEY: TH1F     P2;1    bode1-1-P2
  KEY: TH1F     P3;1    bode1-1-P3
  KEY: TH1F     P4;1    bode1-1-P4
  KEY: TH1F     bode1-1-Qo;1    bode1-1-Qo
  KEY: TH1F     bode1-1-Qi;1    bode1-1-Qi
  KEY: TH1F     bode1-1-P1;1    bode1-1-P1
  KEY: TH1F     bode1-1-P2;1    bode1-1-P2
  KEY: TH1F     bode1-1-P3;1    bode1-1-P3
  KEY: TH1F     bode1-1-P4;1    bode1-1-P4
root [2] Qo.Draw()
 //               At this point, i make the canvas Log Y, by clicking with mouse.
Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
root [3] Qi.Draw("same")
root [4] P1.Draw("same")
root [5] P2.Draw("same")
root [6] P3.Draw("same")
root [7] P4.Draw("same")

// At this point i draw some text on the screen with the mouse:

//  Edit, Editor, Text, Canvas, Type something, Text again, Canvas , Type
something else,

At this point, if i go to move one of the text objects, it draws some
fuzzy dots, and then hangs my machine up completely (ie. the only thing it
responds to is the power switch).

I put the file flipRTFbode1-1.root in the anonymous rootd directory on, so you can open the file from there, although i have had
this same problem with other histograms...

Let me know if anyone else has had this problem, or if you can reproduce


Steve Eichblatt
(630)840-3867 (fax).

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