Re: Project a TNtuple into an TH1F

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Feb 05 1999 - 09:31:32 MET

Hi Pascal,
I have modified your function ProjNT such that you can fill
an histogram residing in a different directory.
You simply save the current directory when entering your function
and cd to this saved directory before invoking TTree::Draw.

 void PiAna::ProjNT(TFile* TF){
   TDirectory *dirSave = gDirectory;
   TNtuple *FromFile = (TNtuple*) TF->Get("Neutral_Events");

Rene Brun

Pascal Girard wrote:
> Re Hi,
> Sorry if I wasn't clear . I'm reading a succession of file with
> TNtuple.
> my problem is to prevent the Histogram to disappear  , when I'll close
> the "current" file,
> to read the next one.
> The complete code of what i'm doing is following.
> If I don't use this DSDEDT->Add(DSDEDT, current) procedure,
> But something like
> FromFile->Draw("MSMass>>+DSDEDT",cut,"goff");
> The Histogram DSDEDT stays in the memory whit the ntuple I'm curently
> reading.
> When I close the current file to read the next one, the Histogram
> "disappears".
> Adding all the histograms in a single one seems to work. Technicly , I
> have what I
> want to. However I think theire is a better way to do so. As you said,
> Rene , the "Add()" thing
> is a little bit dangerous and heavy. My first thougt was the + option
> (in  MSMass>>+DSDEDT)
> would allow the Histogram to "stay" in memory after I close the file,
> but it didn't work out.
> thank you again
> Pascal
> //_____________________________________________________________
> //_____________________________________________________________
> the histogram DSDEDT is define as private in a class :
> ....
> Theire is a member of this class for its memory allocation :
> //_____________________________________________________________
> int PiAna::ResHisto(char* title){
>   DSDEDT = new TH1F("DSDEDT",title,120,-0.1,0.6);
>   return 1;
> }
> Then a Tfile  is open to write out this histo :
> //_____________________________________________________________
> void PiAna::OpenResFile(char* particle, float angle, float E) {
>   char file[20];
>   sprintf(file,"%sT_%2.2fE_%2.2f",particle,angle,E);
>   FileFlag = OpenFile(file);
> }
> with
> //_____________________________________________________________
> int PiAna::OpenFile(char* outfile) {
>   // output file name determination and opening
>   int i;
>   char *strtemp  = outfile;
>   char tempo[255];
>   for (i=1;(!((TUnixSystem*)gSystem)->AccessPathName(outfile));i++) {
>     cout <<outfile<< " already exists" <<endl;
>     sprintf(tempo,"%s.%d",strtemp,i);
>     outfile = tempo;
>   }
>   out = new TFile(outfile,"new");
>   cout<<"ROOT Output file : "<<outfile<<endl;;
>   return 1;
> }
> (out is pivate in the class : TFile *out;)
> //_____________________________________________________________
> The pre-existing TNtuple are stored on Tfiles , I open them and
> project them this way
> int  PiAna::LoopOnFile() {
>   TFile *InNT;
>   char file[15];
>   for (int i=11400;i<11900;i++) {
>     sprintf(file,"HistoRun.%d",i);
>     if ( !((TUnixSystem*)gSystem)->AccessPathName(file) ) {
>       cout<<"Opening "<<file<<endl;
>       InNT = new TFile (file,"read");
>       ProjNT(InNT);
>       InNT->Close();
>     }
>   }
> return 1;
> }
> //_____________________________________________________________
> void PiAna::ProjNT(TFile* TF){
>   TH1F* current = new TH1F("current","tmp",120,-0.1,0.6);
>   TNtuple *FromFile;
>   TF->cd();
>   FromFile = (TNtuple*) TF->Get("Neutral_Events");
>   FromFile->Draw("MSMass>>current",cut,"goff");
>   DSDEDT->Add(DSDEDT,current);
>   current->Delete();
>   return;
> }
> //_____________________________________________________________
> //_____________________________________________________________
> the succesive steps are :
>   OpenResFile(particle,  angle,  (E*1000.));
>   HResFlag = ResHisto(title);
>   LoopOnFile();
>   out->cd();
>   DSDEDT->Write();
>   out->Write();
> Rene Brun wrote:
> > Hi Pascal,
> > Could you make clear what is your problem?
> > Provide a simple macro that does not work.
> > In your example below, you have an extremely dangerous construct
> > with
> > the statement;
> > DSDEDT->Add(..)
> > Where is DSDEDT defined?
> >
> > Also, remember that when you create an histogram, this histogram is
> > automatically added to the list of objects in memory associated to
> > teh
> > current file.
> >
> > Rene Brun
> >
> >

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