Dear rooters, my root-macro executes very fast until it reaches the part, where the postscript file is generated. The cpu-usage drops from about 99% to less then 3%. I'm using root 2.0.13, intel linux, libc 5. Here is the critical part of the macro: c1->cd(); hpad->Draw(); tpad->Draw(); for(t = 0; t < 50; t++) { tt = aH * t; sprintf(titleName, "Tracking %s Helix %s Thresold %d Meth %d", runName, SelHelix, t+thresmin, tracMeth); padText.SetTitle(titleName); tpad->cd(); ps->NewPage(); padText->Draw(); for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) { hpad->cd(i+1); gPad->Clear(); ((TH1F*)(myHs[i+tt]))->Draw(""); } hpad->cd(8); myHt1->Draw(""); c1->Update(); } What is my mistake? Many thanks in advance Thomas Walter
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