From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 04:03:00 MET


>Now: if I follow the instruction of Masaharu can I skip the 
>"#ifndef __CINT__" ? 

In the refered message I said Cint can interpret some part of STL. 

>   I would like to use the vector class from the standard template library.
> Is it possible to create a shared library (and a dictionary) using the
> vector class, and can I use this library in cint ? If it is not possible
> can I create an executable including root libraries and the vector class.

Your original question asks if you can precompile the vector class. The latest
answer is as follows,

1) You can precompile vector class if you mask it from CINT by using
  #ifndef __CINT__.
2) In some platform with some condition, you can directly precompile vector
  class without #ifndef __CINT__. The condition is very limited at this 
  moment now.

So the bottomline is that  under a limited condtion, you coul skip #ifndef 
__CINT__.  But this is not a recommended manner at this moment. If you are
interested, please look into CINT's lib/stl directory. 

Masaharu Goto

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