Re: how to display event counter?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Feb 15 1999 - 18:08:26 MET

Witold Przygoda wrote:
> Hi ROOTers,
> I have been trying different possibilities to realize
> displaying in my TCanvas window (or in TPad or whatever...)
> a kind of Event counter (exactly in the shape of a counter
> from web-page ;).
> I have loop like:
> for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
> ....
> and I would like let's say every 10-th event
> to display event number in one of TPads, i.e.
> updating TPaveLabel, like histograms are updated and displayed.
> I have trying but I failed...
> Remark: I wanted it in my macro (not compiled program).
> Thank you for help.
> Witek

Hi Witek,
You can use an object like TText, TPaveLabel, etc.
Draw this object once at a given position.
Edit the content of this object. For example if you have a TText *text,
gPad->Update();  //this is essential in a macro

Rene Brun

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