Not changing style

From: Damir Buskulic (
Date: Tue Mar 02 1999 - 16:48:40 MET


When I execute the following macro :

 TFile *file = new TFile("phd.root");


 TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("can","Distributions");
//  can->Divide(3,4);

 TH1D* h_1_DC = (TH1D*)file->Get("Distribution of Channel  D1-Phd1-DC");

// can->cd(1);
// gPad->Update();

The histogram is not drawn with the proper Logy option I want, but the
other option (SetLabelOffset) is OK.
If I uncomment the division of the canvas, and draw in a Pad, then
everything goes all right. Is this a bug or a feature ?

On another note, if I fill a histogram with a series of SetBinContent(),
the stats are not filled, and there is no stat box displayable. In PAW,
you could display a stat box after a HPACK (or some such). I suppose the
reasons are that the stats will not be calculated correctly in that
case. Is it so ?


| Damir Buskulic                  | Universite de Savoie/LAPP       |
|                                 | Chemin de Bellevue, B.P. 110    |
| Tel : +33 (0)450091600          | F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex   |
| e-mail:  | FRANCE                          |

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