RE:Re: CINT doesn't see syntactic error

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Sun Mar 07 1999 - 03:19:38 MET


Thank you for the message.

>1. CINT, written in ANSI C (about 80000 loc), is solid enough to interpret
>itself and let the interpreted version execute a program
>2. My program is much simpler and also written in ANSI C.
>3. So why it does not work ?
>The trick probably it that CINT source code was written taking into account
>CINT limitations.

In a sense, this is true.  Not all the language constructs are used in
the CINT source.

>> 3) ROOT/CINT is improving. So feedback is welcome.  
>I would love to be able to load precompiled ANSI C functions without the need
>to construct my own classes and recompile cint/root. May be this is already

You can do this already. Unfortunately, rootcint does not support this 
capability, but makecint does. You need to install bare cint, then

 $ makecint -mk Makefile -dl cprog.dll -h cprog.h -C cprog.c 
 $ make -f Makefile

Then you will have cprog.dll which contains your ANSI C functions.
You can load this dll just like other shared libraries.  Please read
doc/makecint.txt for detail.

Masaharu Goto

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