Re: adding arrays of objects to a TMapFile

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 15:00:34 MET

Stephen Markacs wrote:
> Is there a way to add an array of objects to a TMapFile?  I can't use
> TObjArray or TClonesArray because they don't derive from TNamed.  I tried
> to make my own object that derived from both TClonesArray and TNamed, but
> ran into problems because they both derive from TObject and the compiler
> complained the delete method was ambiguous because they both had one.  I
> tried virtual inheritance to get around this, but it didn't work.  Is
> there some straightforward way?
>    S t e p h e n   M a r k a c s

Hi Stephen,
You just have to create a small class derived from TNamed
  class myClass : public TNamed {
    TObjArray *fArray;

Rene Brun

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