Re: include ROOT into another GUI?

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Mar 11 1999 - 16:51:09 MET

Hi Ulrich,

  this should be not much of a problem. Look at the code of

All the magic happens in the ctor:

   Int_t wid = gGXW->InitWindow((ULong_t)GetViewPort()->GetId());
   Window_t win = gGXW->GetWindowID(wid);
   fCanvasContainer = new TRootEmbeddedContainer(this, win,

   fCanvas = new TCanvas(name, 10, 10, wid);

First initialize a graphics window (gGXW->InitWindow), get is XID (win),
pass win to Qt and tell it to monitor the desired events (this is what
happens in TRootEmbeddedContainer). Next create a ROOT TCanvas with the
wid as the working area. In this TCanvas the histograms will be

On how the TRootEmbeddedCanvas is used check $ROOTSYS/test/guitest.cxx.

If you have more detailed questions let me know directly. Also once
you have it working let me know, because it would like to distribute the

Cheers, Fons.

Ulrich Jost wrote:
> I have an existing GUI application (based on Qt), is it possible to
> produce ROOT objects (ntuple, histograms etc) within it and make a plot
> (canvas) within a widget of the other GUI? Maybe by defining a new
> class which inherits the Qt widget class and the necessary ROOT
> class.
> Thanks, Ulrich

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