Several tree /split=1 problems

From: Eddy Offermann (
Date: Thu Mar 18 1999 - 04:01:16 MET

Dear ROOT-ers

I have several problems when creating a tree in a ROOT file . I have tried to
summarize it in a small example (showit) for which the files are listed below.

1) using TArrayI ... in my class with split = 1
   When running my example with split = 0, I get the following output:
   Creating a tree: ./showit

   *Tree    :T         : tree                                                   *
   *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =     46888 bytes  File  Size =      23488 *
   *        :          : Tree compression factor =   2.04                       *
   *Branch  :Super     : Super                                                  *
   *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =     45800 bytes  File Size  =      22400 *
   *Baskets :      200 : Basket Size =       256 bytes  Compression=   2.04     *

   Reading the tree: ./showit -r

   nrEntries: 1000
   fVar1                    5           var1
   fVar2.*fArray            1           Array of fN 32 bit integers
   fVar2.fN                 2           Number of array elements
   fUniqueID                0           object unique identifier
   fBits                    50331648    bit field status word
   var2[0] = 1  var2[1] = 2
   fVar1                    5           var1
   fVar2.*fArray            1           Array of fN 32 bit integers
   fVar2.fN                 2           Number of array elements
   fUniqueID                0           object unique identifier
   fBits                    50331648    bit field status word
   var2[0] = 1  var2[1] = 2

   Conclusion: This looks fine !!

   Changing it to split = 1 gives for both cases the following:

   Creating a tree: ./showit
   *Tree    :T         : tree                                                   *
   *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =     21800 bytes  File  Size =       7637 *
   *        :          : Tree compression factor =   3.16                       *
   *Branch  :Super     : Super                                                  *
   *Entries :     1000 : BranchObject (see below)                               *
   *Branch  :fVar1     : fVar1                                                  *
   *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =      5060 bytes  File Size  =       1580 *
   *Baskets :       20 : Basket Size =       256 bytes  Compression=   3.20     *
   *Branch  :fVar2.fN  : fVar2.fN                                               *
   *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =      5292 bytes  File Size  =       1722 *
   *Baskets :       21 : Basket Size =       256 bytes  Compression=   3.07     *
   *Branch  :fUniqueID : fUniqueID                                              *
   *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =      5313 bytes  File Size  =       1680 *
   *Baskets :       21 : Basket Size =       256 bytes  Compression=   3.16     *
   *Branch  :fBits     : fBits                                                  *
   *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =      5060 bytes  File Size  =       1580 *
   *Baskets :       20 : Basket Size =       256 bytes  Compression=   3.20     *

   Reading the tree: ./showit -r
   nrEntries: 1000
   fVar1                    5           var1
   fVar2.*fArray            ->0         Array of fN 32 bit integers
   fVar2.fN                 2           Number of array elements
   fUniqueID                0           object unique identifier
   fBits                    50331648    bit field status word

    *** Break *** segmentation violation
    Abort (core dumped)

   Conclusion: fVar2.fArray was not stored ???? Why not ?

2) Large baskets in split = 0 and 1

   I increase the buffer size to 64000 ad get in split=0 the following:
  *Tree    :T         : tree                                                   *
  *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =      2155 bytes  File  Size =       2155 *
  *        :          : Tree compression factor =   1.00                       *
  *Branch  :Super     : Super                                                  *
  *Entries :     1000 : Total  Size =         0 bytes  File Size  =          0 *
  *Baskets :        0 : Basket Size =     64000 bytes  Compression=   1.00     *

  When reading back, the file seems to contain all the data, so just
  the tree->Print() gives the wrong info ??

3) enum in split = 1
   I changed the members of MyClass to:
   Int_t    fVar1; //var1
   TArrayI  fVar2; //var2
   ENumbers fVar3; //var3

  typedef enum { kZero, kOne } ENumbers;

  reading and writing in split = 0 works fine but in split =1 fVar3 is
  completely ignored just like fVar2.fArray

Best Regards,
Eddy Offermann

Below are my Makefile, MyClass_LinkDef.h, main.C, MyClass.C and MyClass.h

------------------- Makefile ----------
ObjSuf        = o
SrcSuf        = C
DllSuf        = so
ROOTLIBS      = -L$(ROOTSYS)/lib -lRint -lNew -lBase -lCint -lClib -lCont -lFunc \
                -lGraf -lGraf3d -lHist -lHtml -lMatrix -lMeta -lMinuit -lNet \
                -lPostscript -lProof -lTree -lUnix -lZip
ROOTGLIBS     = -lGpad -lGui -lGX11 -lX3d

# Solaris
CC            = CC
CCFLAGS       = -O -KPIC -I./ -I$(ROOTSYS)/include
LD            = CC
LDFLAGS       = -g
SOFLAGS       = -G

LIBS          = $(ROOTLIBS) $(ROOTGLIBS) -L/usr/openwin/lib \
                -L/usr/ccs/lib -lXpm -lX11 -lm -lgen -ldl -lsocket -lsunmath
OBJS          = main.$(ObjSuf) MyClass.$(ObjSuf) MyClassDict.$(ObjSuf)
PROGRAMS      = showit
all:            $(PROGRAMS)
		@echo "$(RENROOT) done"
		@rm -f $(OBJS) core \
                MyClassDict.$(SrcSuf) MyClassDict.h
.SUFFIXES: .$(SrcSuf)
main.o: MyClass.h
MyClassDict.$(SrcSuf): MyClass.h
	@echo "Generating MyClass dictionary"
	@rootcint -f MyClassDict.$(SrcSuf) -c MyClass.h MyClass_LinkDef.h

	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $<

------------------- MyClass_LinkDef.h ----------

#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ class MyClass;


------------------- main.C ----------

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"

#include "MyClass.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  TROOT simple("simple","Example of creation of a tree");
  // Just give any kind of argument and the file is read
  // otherwise written.

  Int_t read  = 0;
  Int_t write = 0;
  if (argc > 1) read  = 1;
  else          write = 1;

  TFile *hfile;
  if (write) hfile = new TFile("example","RECREATE","Demo ROOT file");
  else       hfile = new TFile("example");

  MyClass *c = new MyClass();
  Int_t nrEntries = 0;
  Int_t nrBytes = 0;

  if (write)
    Int_t array[2];
    array[0] = 1;
    array[1] = 2;

    Int_t split = 0;
    Int_t bsize = 256;
    TTree *tree = new TTree("T","tree");
    TBranch *br = tree->Branch("Super","MyClass",&c,bsize,split);
    for (Int_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
       nrBytes += tree->Fill();
    TTree  *tree = (TTree*) hfile->Get("T");
    TBranch *br = tree->GetBranch("Super"); 
    Int_t nrEntries = (Int_t) tree->GetEntries();
    printf("nrEntries: %d\n",nrEntries);
    for (Int_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      nrBytes += tree->GetEvent(i); 
      if (i ==0 || i==999)
        TArrayI var2 = c->GetVar2();
        printf("var2[0] = %d  var2[1] = %d\n",var2[0],var2[1]);


  return 0;

------------------- MyClass.C ----------

#include <MyClass.h>


  fVar1 = 0;


------------------- MyClass.h ----------

#ifndef ROOT_MyClass
#define ROOT_MyClass

#include <TObject.h>
#include <TArrayI.h>

class MyClass : public TObject {

  Int_t   fVar1; //var1
  TArrayI fVar2; //var2

  virtual ~MyClass();

  Int_t GetVar1() { return fVar1;}
  TArrayI& GetVar2() { return fVar2;}
  void SetVar1(Int_t val) { fVar1 = val;}
  void SetVar2(Int_t nr, Int_t *val) { fVar2.Set(nr,val);}

  ClassDef(MyClass,1)  //MyClass structure


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