RE: Pythia, ATLFast and Rootcint for Windows NT

Date: Thu Mar 18 1999 - 15:00:55 MET

Hello Valery,

Thanks for your replies, but I still think there is a problem with
Root_EGPythia, not (only) with ATLFast.

If I type:

gSystem.Load("C:/Program Files/root/bin/Root_EGPythia.dll")

at the Root-prompt, I get an error message:
"The procedure entrypoint ?AppendPad@TObject@@QAEXPAD@Z could not be
located in the dynamic link library Root_Base.dll" 
(As I mentioned in my first mail)

>> Both are freshly downloaded from the Root-pages, version 2.21/07 (the
>> tar.gz file) but my earlier download had the same problem.
>> Root_EGPythia.dll is from march 1st and the rest is from march 11th, I am
>> not quite sure whether that would be a problem.
>   Your are speaking about  Root_EGPythia.dll  but your problem came
>from ATLfast code not from that DLL.
>   The last is dated as

Furthermore, but this is only a small thing, when I type:


I get the following error:
"Error in <TWinNTSystem::DynamicPathName>: dll does not exist or wrong file
extension (.dll)

Now, if I type:

the answer is:
(char *xxxxxxx)"C:\\Program Files\\root\\bin"

and that seems all right. Why can't Root find the dll ? (Which IS in the
root/bin directory)

One more thing: when I start root by typing "root" in a DOS-window, Root
produces two warnings:

Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class TWinNTSystem is available
Warning in <TWinNTSystem::SetProgname>: Wrong Program path

Why? (This is even so when the current directory is C:\Program
Files\root\bin at startup)


Now, back to Rootcint:

>> had to quote $(ROOTSYS)\bin\rootcint, to make it work. The error messages
>> now produced are the same as those produced when typing simply:
>> rootcint -f hellodict.cxx -c hello.h
>  I've checked this and was very surprised finding MS NMAKE is confused with
>blanks within file names and quotas around it.
>  It does accept:
>  "E:\users\root\Program File\bin\rootcint.exe"
>and DOESN'T accept
>  "E:\users\root\Program File"\bin\rootcint.exe
>  At this point I could advice moving ROOT under tree with NO blank on the
>subdirectory names.
>> -f HelloDict.$(SrcSuf) -c Hello.h
>> at the command line (current durectory: C:\Program Files\root\test). Since
>> it is impossible to reroute the error messages (using ">"),
>  This sign redirects the "stdout" only. You should redirect "stderr" and
>apply "2>"
>  instead. I suppose it is right for UNIX systems too.

So I did. After typing: "rootcint -f hellodict.cxx -c hello.h", at the
DOS-prompt, working directory: C:\Program Files\root\test, this is the
complete errormessage:

#error ERROR: Only Mac or Win32 targets supported!
Limitation: can not handle macro _NFILE _NSTREAM_ Use +P or -p option
 FILE:C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE:105
Limitation: can not handle macro _wP_tmpdir L"\\" Use +P or -p option
 FILE:C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE:159
Error: No symbol _CRTIMPexternFILE_iob[] in current scope  FILE:C:\Program
Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE:213
Limitation: can not handle macro stdin (&_iob[0]) Use +P or -p option
 FILE:C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE:237
Limitation: can not handle macro stdout (&_iob[1]) Use +P or -p option
 FILE:C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE:238
Limitation: can not handle macro stderr (&_iob[2]) Use +P or -p option
 FILE:C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE:239
Error: Unexpected EOF G__exec_statement() FILE:C:\Program
Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE:461
Advice: You may need to use +P or -p option
Note: operator new() masked 1c
Note: operator delete() masked 1c
Error loading headers...

************ Is this a problem, or not, and what does it mean????

(Note that this is slightly differecnt from what I had last time:)
>> I can't give
>> you the exact output, but it starts like like this:
>> #error ERROR: Only MAC or win32 targets supported!
>> Limitation: can not handle macro _NFILE _NSTREAM_ Use +P or -p option
>> FILE: C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE 105
>> Limitation: can not handle macro _wP_tmpdir L"\\" Use +P or -p option
>> FILE: C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE 157
>> Error: No symbol _CRTIMPexternFILE_iob[] in in current scope   FILE:
>> C:\Program Files\root/include\stdio.h LINE 213
>  You always can use "Copy to Clipboad" / "Paste" technique to include any
>piece of your screen into any your documents.
> Under X11 is done with "left mouse button" to "select and copy"
>                             and "middle mouse button" to "paste".

For good measure, the following doesn't work, in both a DOS and a Root window:

> Under NT you should apply "left mouse button" to select", "Right mouse
>button to copy"
> and "right mouse button" to "Paste".

Thanks once more,



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