Re: helper macro for analysis

From: Richard Dubois (
Date: Fri Mar 19 1999 - 00:11:48 MET

 The problem with the Init function was found quickly: some sloppiness
in the order of setting things to zero masked casting problems and a
typo in the Init function itself.

 This seems to work for Init now:

_________________________ MyEvent.h _________________________________

//   This class is intended to provide useful manipulation
//   of the Root Event loop. Users put their analysis code
//   into the Go function (in MyEvent.C). They should not
//   need to look at MyEvent.h (except to see the interface)
//   It is targetted at the LCD Event structure, which has
//   Event as the main branch with sub-branches. This version
//   handles the case of reading back from a file. At the moment
//   there must be separate versions for running the FastMC and
//   FullRecon interactively.
//   allows for:
//     init and re-init use of a Root file
//     clear all histograms
//     'go n events' allowing to continue on in the file
//        or 'rewind'
//  Example of use:
//    .x startmacro.C  // load shared libs
//    .L MyEvent.C     // 'complile' class
//    MyEvent* m = new MyEvent("MyRootFile.root"); // create MyEvent
//    m->Go(500);      // loop over 500 events. Go contains your
analysis code
//    ... look at histograms ...
//    m->Go()          // look at remainder of file
//    ... look at histograms ...
//    m->Init("AnotherRootFile.root");
//    m->Go(50);
//    ... and so on ...
//  After editing your Go function, you need to issue a gROOT->Reset()
//  repeat the above sequence starting from the .L MyEvent.C.
// Version 0.1 17-Mar-1999 Richard Creation

#ifndef MyEvent_h
#define MyEvent_h

class MyEvent {
   public :
     TFile*        f; // input file
     TTree          *fTree; //pointer to the analyzed TTree
     Event*        event;

   MyEvent() {}; // default ctr
   MyEvent(char* rootFileName); // ctr with root file name
   ~MyEvent() {;} // default dtr
   void StartWithEvent(Int_t event);  // start next Go with this event
   void Init(char* rootFileName); // re-init with this root file
   void AllHistClear(); // Reset() all user histograms
   void AllHistDelete(); // delete all user histograms
   void MakeHistList(); // make list of user histograms
   void Rewind(); // reset for next Go to start at beginning of file
   void Go(Int_t nEvent=100000); // loop over events

   Int_t m_StartEvent;  // starting event
   Int_t HistsDefined;  // flag for whether histograms have been defined

   TObjArray* HistList; // list of user histograms


MyEvent::MyEvent(char* rootFileName)
// set up root file and init things

   printf(" opening file %s \n",rootFileName);

   f = 0; fTree = 0; event = 0;
   m_StartEvent = 0;

void MyEvent::StartWithEvent(Int_t event) {
  m_StartEvent = event;

void MyEvent::Init(char* rootFileName)
// re-initialize file, tree, event

      HistsDefined = 1;
      HistList = 0;

//   Set branch addresses

       if (f) {
  delete event;
  delete fTree;
  delete f;

      f = new TFile(rootFileName);
      fTree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("T");
      event = new Event();


void MyEvent::Rewind()
//   Start input file at beginning

       m_StartEvent = 0;


void MyEvent::MakeHistList() {
// make a TObjArray of histograms

     if (HistList) delete HistList;

     HistList = new TObjArray();

     TList* list = gDirectory->GetList();
     TIter iter(list);

     TObject* obj = 0;

     while (obj=iter.Next()) {

       if (obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) {


void MyEvent::AllHistClear() {

  for (Int_t i=0; i < HistList->GetEntries(); i++) {
    TObject* obj = HistList->At(i);



void MyEvent::AllHistDelete() {

  if (HistList) {

    for (Int_t i=0; i < HistList->GetEntries(); i++) {
      TObject* obj = HistList->At(i);
      delete obj;

    delete HistList;

Richard Dubois
SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
650-926-2923 (FAX)

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