Ok, I know I must be just forgetting something simple but I just can't seem to figure it out. I'm trying to run Cint on some classes that I have just made. This is the call to Cint that I am using: V:\LCD\RootApps\FastMC\dev\src>rootcint -f FastMCCint.cxx -c -I ..\..\..\Event\d ev\src CalRecon.h CalSmeared.h EventMarker.h FastMC.h GetLarge.h GetParameters.h GetSmall.h GetTrackLookups.h LookUp2d.h MCPartPrint.h readStdFile.h RecModule.h SmearFuzz.h SmearTrack.h SmearTraj.h SmearVolume.h TrackFullSmear.h FastMCLinkD ef.h Error: source file "TROOT.h" cannot open FILE: LINE:0 V:\LCD\RootApps\FastMC\dev\src> I tried including the Root include directory where TROOT.h resides but, no luck. I'm doing this on an NT machine with essentially the same call as we used on Solaris. Please don't tell me I missed a semi-colon somewhere. Rob Shanks rshanks@slac.stanford.edu
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