Re: problem using Root.Html.SourceDir

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 18:24:53 MEST

Hi Joanne,
I am afraid that you are right. The problem seems to be connected
with the generation of the USER_Index.html file for the local directory.

We have received a list of suggested improvements in the THtml class.
At the recent Root workshop at FNAL, we discussed several topics for
a cooperation between FNAL and the Root team. The upgrade of THtml has
put in the shopping list for FNAL. Philippe Canal has recently started
major developments (see his slides at the workshop) on RootCint and
automatic interface with the native compiler. He is very busy with these
challenging new features.
The THtml class is quite complex. It was written by Nenad Buncic 3 years
ago. I would not like to introduce patches in this class before the
planned FNAL

Rene Brun

Joanne Bogart wrote:
> I would like to generate html documentation for classes residing in
> four different source directories.  There are instances of references
> from classes in one directory to classes in another, for example classes
> in one directory sometimes inherit from classes in another.  I have made
> four shared libraries corresponding to the four source directories.
> The only way I can get references within the html files for a set of
> classes to point to my output directory seems to be to run root from
> the source directory for that set of classes; otherwise the references
> point to
> which is the value of Root.Html.Root.
> Here is my .rootrc:
> Unix.*.Root.DynamicPath:   .:/afs/
> Unix.*.MacroPath:          .:$ROOTAPPS/FastMC/dev/test:$NLDROOT/RootApps/FastMC/prod/doc
> Root.Html.SourceDir:       .:/afs/
> Root.Html.OutputDir:       /afs/
> Root.Html.Root:  
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------
> is the most fundamental of the shareables.  I can run the
> following macro from the source directory for the event classes,
> /afs/
>                 -------------------------------
> // Need to have appropriate Root.Html.* items in .rootrc
> int makeHtmlEvent()
> {
>   gROOT->Reset();
>   THtml html;
>   gSystem->Load("");
>   //  gSystem->Load("");
>   //  gSystem->Load("");
>   //  gSystem->Load("");
>   gHtml->MakeAll();
>   return 0;
> }
>                  ------------------------------------
> and reasonable .html files end up in the output directory, though there
> are some complaints.
> The next shareable up is Util, so I next run this macro from the Util source
> directory:
>                    -------------------------------------
> // Need to have appropriate Root.Html.* items in .rootrc
> int makeHtmlUtil()
> {
>   gROOT->Reset();
>   THtml html;
>   gSystem->Load("");
>   gSystem->Load("");
>   //  gSystem->Load("");
>   //  gSystem->Load("");
>   gHtml->MakeAll();
>   return 0;
> }
> The class RecModule references Event.  The generated file RecModule.html
> contains the following:
> <!--BOLD--><a href="#RecModule:doit">doit</a><!--PLAIN-->(<a href="http://root.
>">Event</a>* event)
> instead of referencing the Event.html in the output directory.  Similarly,
> the next shareable, FastMC, has classes which inherit from RecModule, and
> the generated html files for such a class have lines like
> <h2>class <a name="CalRecon" href="CalRecon.h">CalRecon</a> : public <a href="h
> ttp://">RecModule</a></h2>
> How can I get all internal references to be resolved properly?
>                                              Joanne

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