RE:CINT bug(s)

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Sun Apr 18 1999 - 05:54:47 MEST


Thank you for reporting these problems.  
I analyzed the problem. Both are CINT syntax limitation.  
Please use simple expression. 

I'll think if those can be fixed, however, I can not put priority on fixing
this kind of complex expression  which you can easily find simpler and
clearer ones. CINT is not aimed to be 100% C/C++ compliant interpreter.

     return a=b;      vs     a=b; return a;
     f()[1] = val;    vs     int* tmp=f();  tmp[1]=val;

Best Regard,
Masaharu Goto

1) returning reference of assignment expression.
  In following class XYZ, member function x and z returns reference.

class XYZ {
  int p_x;
  int p_y;
  int p_z;

  int &x(int xx) {cout << "xx -> " << xx << " p_x -> " << p_x << endl;
                  return p_x=xx;}
  int y(int &yy) {cout << "yy -> " << yy << " p_y -> " << p_y << endl;
                  return p_y=yy;}
  int &z(int &zz) {cout << "zz -> " << zz << " p_z -> " << p_z << endl;
                  return p_z=zz;}

  The problem is in  'return p_x=xx;'. CINT returns reference to xx. This
  causes the problem. Please separate assignment and return statement.

       return p_x;

2) In following source, XYZ::x , y, z returns pointer. In main function,
  [] operator is used for the return value of the function.

     f()[0] = value;

  Unfortunately this kind of syntax is not supported in CINT. Please rewrite
  this as

     int *tmp = f();
     tmp[0] = value;

-------------------------- trial2.cxx BEGIN --------------------------
#include <stream.h>

class XYZ {
  int p_x[10];
  int p_y[20];
  int p_z[30];

  int *x() {return p_x;}
  //  int *y() {return p_y;}
  int *y() {cout << "*p_y -> " << *p_y ;*p_y=6;cout << " -> " << *p_y << 
endl;return p_y;}
  int *z() {return p_z;}

  XYZ() {return;}
  ~XYZ() {return;}
  int *x(int xx) {cout << "xx -> " << xx << " *p_x -> " << *p_x << 
endl;p_x[0]=xx;return p_x;}
  int *y(int yy) {cout << "yy -> " << yy << " *p_y -> " << *p_y << 
endl;p_y[0]=yy;return p_y;}
  int *z(int zz) {cout << "zz -> " << zz << " *p_z -> " << *p_z << 
endl;p_z[0]=zz;return p_z;}

  XYZ *xyz = new XYZ;

  cout << "donald duck" << endl;

  xyz->x(1)[0] = 10; cout << "xyz->x(1)[0] = 10 -> " << *xyz->p_x << endl;
  xyz->y(2); cout << "*xyz->y(2) -> " << *xyz->p_y << endl;
  xyz->z(3)[0] = 30; cout << "xyz->z(3)[0] = 30 -> " << *xyz->p_z << endl;

  xyz->x()[0] = 4;
  xyz->y()[0] = 5; cout << "*xyz->y() = 5 -> " << *xyz->p_y << endl;

  cout << *xyz->x() << " " << *xyz->y() << " " << *xyz->z() << endl;

  cout << "miki mouse" << endl;


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