TMap FindObject by keyname

From: Dirk Meier (
Date: Wed Apr 28 1999 - 18:42:35 MEST


here I tried to use TMap to store pairs of keys and values.
The FindObject(Text_t *) does not work in the example below. 
Do I use it wrong ?

Later, I am planning to use TObjNum as the value in
the TMap (that is a number inheriting from TObject, see
Is there a reason why TObjNum is not part of root's classes?
Is there a better why to realize maps between numbers
and strings (keywords) than using TMap ?

thanks for your help


Example (also as attachment):

#include <iostream>
  TObjString *s1 = new TObjString("Alpha");
  TObjString *s2 = new TObjString("Beta");

  TMap *aMap = new TMap();

  aMap->Add((TObject*)s1, (TObject*)s2);
  cout << aMap->GetValue(s1)->GetName() << endl;

  cout << "o.k., this was correct ... now try retrival using the keyname : " << endl;

  cout << aMap->FindObject("Alpha")->GetName() << endl;

  cout << "the FindObject method returns null pointer ???? Why ??" << endl;


here the output:

  *                                         *
  *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  *                                         *
  *   Version   2.21/01   14 January 1999   *
  *                                         *
  *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
  *            *
  *                                         *

FreeType Engine v1.1 used to render TrueType fonts.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.13.83, Dec 2 1998
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] .x aTMapTester.C
o.k., this was correct ... now try retrival using the keyname : 
Error: illegal pointer to class object FindObject("Alpha") 0x0 3
FILE:/home/dime/cc/prj/RawRead/./aTMapTester.C LINE:19
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
root [1]

// aTMapTester.C

#include <iostream>
  TObjString *s1 = new TObjString("Alpha");
  TObjString *s2 = new TObjString("Beta");

  TMap *aMap = new TMap();

  aMap->Add((TObject*)s1, (TObject*)s2);
  cout << aMap->GetValue(s1)->GetName() << endl;

  cout << "o.k., this was correct ... now try retrival using the keyname : " << endl;

  cout << aMap->FindObject("Alpha")->GetName() << endl;

  cout << "the FindObject method returns null pointer ???? Why ??" << endl;


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