Re: Re: 2dim fitting

From: Markus Weiss (
Date: Mon May 03 1999 - 08:39:14 MEST

Thank you for your overwhelming support.

but I seem not to have supplied enough information to
make my problem clear.

My main problem is to find the appropriate class to store
nonequidistant triples of data, such as:

  x     y          z
  5.0 178.75 177.847
20.0 178.75 177.496
2.25 400.7    390.669
10.0 400.7    396.195

The function I want to fit to these (and more) datapoints

by adjusting 3 additional parameters (dalpha, dbeta, dn)
which modify f().

I was able to produce a TF2 with this "usersupplied" function.

So far so good, but I did not find a way to store these data and
do a simple: whatever->Fit().
I tried TGraph, but this one accepts only two column of data, in other
words z=f(x).
I tested TNtuple which seems to be the right joice, but the inherited
method Fit() (from TTree) accepts only a TF1 function, according to 
the reference guide.

Sofar I succeeded by adapting the IFit.C example in the tutorial which
uses migrad directly. 

So, I am still search for the right data-model to take  ntuples of
nonequidistant data and fit a multidimensional function to it, which
is as easy as the one-dimensional case (Tgraph() and Fit()).

Thanks again,


The suggestions to solve my problem follow:

On Sat, 01 May 1999, Faouzi Attallah wrote:
>I hope Rene agrees with the following syntaxe.  In the 2dim-hist case and
>a usersupplied function as, e.g. a 2dim Polynome of 1st degre one can
>   TH2F *Hr ; // the 2-dim host
>   ...
>   pol = new TF2 ("pol","[0]*x + [1]*y + [2]", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) ; 
>   pol->SetParNames("Ax","Ay","B") ; 
>   hr->Fit("pol","R0") ; 

I am not sure if the 2dim-hist class is the rigth choice for my data.

On Sat, 01 May 1999, Rene Brun wrote:
>  Please, read the tutorials graph.C and myfit.C 
> You create a TGraph(n,x,y) object with your array of points,
> then invoke TGraph::Fit with your user defined function.

To my knowledge, TGraph cannot cope with data consisting of
more than 2 columns (i.e. x,y,z).

Markus Weiss                                  "Ah elbereth glithoniel
BESSY-2 Projektteam                            silvren penna miriel"
e-mail:               phone: +49-30-6392-2941

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