Re: The Never Ending Story ... Part (Int_t)341514

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed May 12 1999 - 17:32:11 MEST

Hi Jacek,
I suggest you look for an example of efficient calls to interpreted
functions in the TF1 constructors.

Rene Brun

Jacek M. Holeczek wrote:
> Hi,
> I have met a CINT problem which I cannot seem to be able to resolve.
> I try to call an "interpreted" function ( loaded interactively by ".L" in
> root ) from a "compiled" shared library. Something like :
> -----------------------
> root [0] .L              <- load the "compiled" shared library
> root [1] ntuple *n=new ntuple()    <- create an "ntuple" object n
> root [2] .L test.cxx               <- load the "interpreted" function
> root [3] n->Loop(test)             <- "compiled" code calls "interpreted"
> -----------------------
> The compiled ntuple::Loop function looks like :
> -----------------------
> Int_t ntuple::Loop(Int_t (*p2f)(ntuple *))
> {
>   ...
>   switch(G__isinterpretedp2f(((void *)p2f)) {
>     Char_t temp[200];
>     sprintf(temp,"(*%s)(((ntuple *)%ld))",(char*)p2f,((long)this));
>     for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {
>       nevents += GetEvent(i);
>       if (G__int(G__calc(temp))) break;
>     }
>     break;
>     ...
>   ...
>   }
>   return nevents;
> }
> -----------------------
> The interpreted test function looks like :
> -----------------------
> Int_t test(ntuple *n)
> {
>   ...
>   h_test->Fill(n->x()); // both h_test histogram and n::x() exist
>   ...
>   return 0;
> }
> -----------------------
> On principle it works, but ... EXTREMELY slowly.
> The problem is that the G__isinterpretedp2f returns G__INTERPRETEDFUNC,
> instead of G__BYTECODEFUNC. The test.cxx does NOT seem to be "byte
> compiled" when loaded ( ".L" ), and used.
> Then I tried to test how it behaves in case everything is run as an
> "interpreted" code, so I modified the ntuple::Loop :
> -----------------------
> Int_t ntuple::Loop(Int_t (*p2f)(ntuple *))
> {
>   ...
>   Int_t result;
>   for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {
>     nevents += GetEvent(i);
>     result = (*p2f)(this);
>     if (result) break;
>   }
> }
> -----------------------
> And instead of ".L" I loaded ".L ntuple.cxx".
> The result was ... it was MUCH MORE slowly.
> Thus, the conclusion is - CINT cannot "byte compile" functions if they are
> used as "pointers" ???
> On this occasion I have also met a CINT error. If in "interpreted" version
> of ntuple::Loop I say :
>         if ((*p2f)(this)) break;
> instead of :
>         result = (*p2f)(this);
>         if (result) break;
> the CINT cries :
> -----------------------
> root [4] n->Loop(test)
> Error: No symbol p2f)(this in current scope FILE:/.../ntuple.cxx LINE:96
> Error: Illegal pointer operation (tovalue) FILE:/.../ntuple.cxx LINE:96
> *** Interpreter error recovered ***
> -----------------------
> Can I somehow convince CINT to give me "byte compiled" function(s) ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jacek.

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