Re: my poor C knowledge

From: Valery Fine (
Date: Mon May 17 1999 - 05:19:35 MEST

----- Original Message -----
From: Jacek M. Holeczek <>
To: roottalk <>
Sent: 16 мая 1999 г. 9:50
Subject: my poor C knowledge

> Hi,
> I try, and try, and try, ... to understand what the following piece of C
> code is supposed to do, but I can't :
>          if(mparen==0||G__return!=G__RETURN_NON>G__RETURN_NORMAL)

Whatever this means the result should be defined by the table below
(borrowed VC++
On-line help)
(I hope this table has no M$ specifii yet )
   Hope this helps,
C++ Operators
Operators specify an evaluation to be performed on one of the following:

- One operand (unary operator)

- Two operands (binary operator)

- Three operands (ternary operator)

The C++ language includes all C operators and adds several new operators.
Table 1.1 lists the operators available in Microsoft C++.

Operators follow a strict precedence which defines the evaluation order of
expressions containing these operators. Operators associate with either the
expression on their left or the expression on their right; this is called
Operators in the same group have equal precedence and are evaluated left to
in an expression unless explicitly forced by a pair of parentheses, ( ).

Table 1.1 shows the precedence and associativity of C++ operators (from
to lowest precedence).

Table 1.1   C++ Operator Precedence and Associativity

Operator    Name or Meaning          Associativity
========    ===============          =============
::          Scope resolution           None
::          Global                     None
[ ]         Array subscript            Left to right
( )         Function call              Left to right
( )         Conversion                 None
.           Member selection (object)  Left to right
->          Member selection (pointer) Left to right
++          Postfix increment          None
--          Postfix decrement          None
new         Allocate object            None
delete      Deallocate object          None
delete[ ]   Deallocate object          None
++          Prefix increment           None
--          Prefix decrement           None
*           Dereference                None
&           Address-of                 None
+           Unary plus                 None
-           Arithmetic negation (unary) None
!           Logical NOT                None
~           Bitwise complement         None
sizeof      Size of object             None
sizeof ( )  Size of type               None
typeid( )   type name                  None
(type)      Type cast (conversion)     Right to left
const_cast  Type cast (conversion)     None
dynamic_cast Type cast (conversion)    None
reinterpret_cast Type cast (conversion) None
static_cast  Type cast (conversion)    None
.*          Apply pointer to class member (objects) Left to right
->*         Dereference pointer to class member Left to right
*           Multiplication             Left to right
/           Division                   Left to right
%           Remainder (modulus)        Left to right
+           Addition                   Left to right
-           Subtraction                Left to right
<<          Left shift                 Left to right
>>          Right shift                Left to right
<           Less than                  Left to right
>           Greater than               Left to right
<=          Less than or equal to      Left to right
>=          Greater than or equal to   Left to right
==          Equality                   Left to right
!=          Inequality                 Left to right
&           Bitwise AND                Left to right
^           Bitwise exclusive OR       Left to right
|           Bitwise OR                 Left to right
&&          Logical AND                Left to right
||          Logical OR                 Left to right
e1?e2:e3 Conditional                   Right to left
=           Assignment                 Right to left
*=          Multiplication assignment  Right to left
/=          Division assignment        Right to left
%=          Modulus assignment         Right to left
+=          Addition assignment        Right to left
-=          Subtraction assignment     Right to left
<<=         Left-shift assignment      Right to left
>>=         Right-shift assignment     Right to left
&=          Bitwise AND assignment     Right to left
|=          Bitwise inclusive OR assignment Right to left
^=          Bitwise exclusive OR assignment Right to left
,           Comma                      Left to right

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