Hello, I have two 1-d hists: h1 defined from 0 to 300; the other (h2) from 0 to 600. I do the following { h1->Draw(); h2->SetMarkerStyle(20); h2->SetMarkerSize(0.5); h2->Draw("samep"); } When this is run, the points for h2 extend out of the frame. If the second draw uses h2->Draw("same"), the second histogram is truncated as expected. Thanks, Chris ================================================================== = = = Chris Jillings = = Department of Physics phone/voice mail: (613) 533-6000x74805 = = Queen's University fax: (613) 533-6813 = = Kingston, Ontario email: chris@sno.phy.queensu.ca = = Canada, K7L 3N6 web: http://sno.phy.queensu.ca = = = ==================================================================
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