Re: Markers in the viewers

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu May 20 1999 - 19:08:31 MEST

Tioukov Valeri wrote:
> Hi rooters,
> Trying to draw my hits, tracks and vertex what is essentualy combination
> of TPolyLine3D and TPolyMarker3D I made the  following observations about
> X3D and OpenGL viewers.
> Are there correct or not?
>  If I have TPolyMarker3D on the picture
>    - the marker style do not correlate to the declared one:
>      OpenGL alwais draw the square dot, X3D alwais draw the cross sign.

Hi Valeri,
Yes, nearly right.
With X3D, the algorithm is the following
  - one line segment is npoints > 10000
  - two line segments + if npoints > 3000
  - three line segments otherwise * (3d star)

>    - the marker size on the OpenGL correlate to the declared one,
>      on X3D - not at all


> So the only solution that I found to have some consistency on all 3
> displays (usual canvas, OpenGL and X3D) is to use TMarker3DBox.
> Are there any different approach?
 Right. TMarker3DBox should be the best solution. You will find an
using TMarker3DBox below.
I would like to see what I consider an important improvement for this
possibility to have shaded faces also on the normal Root pad. This is
for event displays. If somebody volunteers for this task, this would be

> Conserned TMarker3DBox - why this object is not "rotateable" - it do not
> propose the "rotation" prompt on the usual view?

TMarker3DBox is "rotatable". You can try with the macro below.

> In general it seems that both X3D and OpenGL interfaces are fare from the
> good shape (colors on the X3D, perspective view on OpenGL etc.).

We have now problems with X3D with displays having more than 8 color
This is typical on PCs. If you downgrade your PC to use 8 colors only,
you will get the colors and the stereo view.

> Are there any plans to improve it?

Not in the short term. Again any volunteer?

Rene Brun

   TH3F *h3 = new TH3F("h3","test fitz",5,-4,4,8,-4,4,5,0,20);
   for (Int_t i=0;i<100000;i++) {
      Float_t x = gRandom->Gaus(0,1);
      Float_t y = gRandom->Gaus(0,1);
      Float_t z = gRandom->Gaus(10,4);

   Int_t bin,ix,iy,iz;
   Float_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,wmin,wmax,w;
   Int_t nbinsx = h3->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsy = h3->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsz = h3->GetZaxis()->GetNbins();
   //compute min and max of all cells
   wmin = wmax = 0;
   for (ix=1;ix<=nbinsx;ix++) {
      for (iy=1;iy<=nbinsy;iy++) {
         for (iz=1;iz<=nbinsz;iz++) {
            bin = h3->GetBin(ix,iy,iz);
            w = h3->GetBinContent(bin);
            if (w > wmax) wmax = w;
            if (w < wmin) wmin = w;
   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1");
   TView *view = new TView(1);

   //Draw TMarker3DBox with size proportional to cell content
   TMarker3DBox *m3;
   Float_t scale;
   for (ix=1;ix<=nbinsx;ix++) {
      xmin = h3->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ix);
      xmax = xmin + h3->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(ix);
      for (iy=1;iy<=nbinsy;iy++) {
         ymin = h3->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(iy);
         ymax = ymin + h3->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(iy);
         for (iz=1;iz<=nbinsz;iz++) {
            zmin = h3->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(iz);
            zmax = zmin + h3->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(iz);
            bin = h3->GetBin(ix,iy,iz);
            w = h3->GetBinContent(bin);
            scale = (w-wmin)/(wmax-wmin);
            m3 = new

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