MakeClass ( 8 1/2 )

From: Jacek M. Holeczek (
Date: Fri May 21 1999 - 10:17:08 MEST

( Seems that my yesterday's mail is lost, so here it is again. )
Please find attached a new version of my MakeClass suite.
It's divided into two pieces.
The first piece ( this mail ) contains the MakeClass macro itself, and ...
if you are using emacs, please find attached an emacs.rc.add ( some code
to be placed in your private .emacs file ) which gives you outline/folding
editor settings to be used with both the MakeClass.cxx itself, and with
files generated by this macro ( try "EmacsMenu -> Hide -> Hide Body" or
C-c @ C-t and enjoy ).
The second part will contain example files and notes how to use them.
Have fun,

// # MakeClass.cxx 

// # How to generate and use the skeleton analysis class for a Tree. 
//   The following files are produced: classname.hxx and classname.cxx
//   if classname is NULL, classname will be nameoftree.
//   The generated code in classname.hxx includes the following:
//      - Identification of the original Tree and Input File Name
//      - Definition of analysis class (data and functions)
//      - the following class functions:
//         - classname(Char_t *filename = 0) to connect a file with Tree
//         - classname(TTree *tree) to connect a Tree
//         - ~classname()
//         - GetEntries() to get the number of events in Tree
//         - GetEvent(Int_t event) to prepare the filling of data from event
//         - Init(TTree *tree) to initialize with a new Tree
//         - Loop(Int_t (*analysis)(classname *)) which loops over all events
//           in Tree calling the given analysis function for every event, if
//           the analysis function returns a non zero value, breaks the loop
//         - Show(Int_t event) to read and dump event ( all branches )
//   The generated code in classname.cxx includes only the skeleton of the
//   main analysis function Loop().
//   To use the MakeClass function:
//      - connect your Tree file (eg: TFile f("myfile.root");)
//      - MakeClass(T,"MyClass");
//   where T is the name of the Tree in the myfile.root file, and
//   MyClass.hxx, MyClass.cxx are names of files created by this function.
//   Then, in a Root session, you can do, for example:
//      Root > .L MyClass.cxx
//      Root > MyClass t
//      Root > t.GetEvent(12); // Prepare to fill t with event number 12
//      Root > t.Show();       // Show values of event 12
//      Root > t.Show(16);     // Read and show values of event 16
//      Root > t.Loop();       // Loop over all events

// # Int_t MakeClass(TTree *t, const char *classname = 0) 
Int_t MakeClass(TTree *t, const char *classname = 0)
  // # Check against an invalid Tree pointer 
  if (!t) return 1;
  if (!t->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TTree")) {
    printf("Attempt to MakeClass for a non-TTree object\n");
    return 2;
  // # Connect output files 
  char *thead = new char[256];
  if (!classname) classname = t->GetName();
  FILE *fp = fopen(thead,"w");
  if (!fp) {
    printf("Cannot open output file:%s\n",thead);
    delete [] thead;
    return 3;
  char *tcimp = new char[256];
  FILE *fpc = fopen(tcimp,"w");
  if (!fpc) {
    printf("Cannot open output file:%s\n",tcimp);
    delete [] thead;
    delete [] tcimp;
    return 3;
  char *treefile = new char[1000];
  if (t->GetDirectory() && t->GetDirectory()->GetFile())
  else         strcpy(treefile,"Memory Directory");
  // # *** Generate classname.hxx *** 
  // # Print the header 
  TObjArray *leaves = t->GetListOfLeaves();
  Int_t nleaves = leaves->GetEntriesFast();
  TDatime td;
  fprintf(fp,"// # \n");
  fprintf(fp,"// # This class has been automatically generated \n");
  fprintf(fp,"// # (%s by ROOT version%s) \n",td.AsString(),gROOT->GetVersion());
  fprintf(fp,"// # from TTree %s/%s \n",t->GetName(),t->GetTitle());
  fprintf(fp,"// # found on file: %s \n",treefile);
  fprintf(fp,"// # \n");
  fprintf(fp,"// # *** The %s class interface *** \n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"#ifndef %s_hxx\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"#define %s_hxx\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"// # Required includes \n");
  fprintf(fp,"#ifndef __CINT__\n");
  fprintf(fp,"#include <stdio.h>\n");
  fprintf(fp,"#include <stream.h>\n");
  fprintf(fp,"#include \"TROOT.h\"\n");
  fprintf(fp,"#include \"TTree.h\"\n");
  fprintf(fp,"#include \"TFile.h\"\n");
  fprintf(fp,"#include \"Api.h\"\n");
  fprintf(fp,"class TBranch;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"class TTree;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"class TFile;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"// # class %s \n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"class %s {\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  // # public variables \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  TTree           *fTree; // pointer to the analysed TTree\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  Int_t           fEvent; // current Event number\n");
  // # First loop on all branches to generate branch declarations 
  fprintf(fp,"  // # declaration of branches \n");
  Int_t nb, i;
  nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
  for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
    branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
    fprintf(fp,"%s%-15s branch_%s;\n","  ","Int_t", branch->GetName());
    fprintf(fp,"%s%-15s *branch_pointer_%s;\n","  ","TBranch", branch->GetName());
  // # First loop on all leaves to generate leaf declarations 
  fprintf(fp,"  // # declaration of leaves \n");
  Int_t len, l;
  TLeaf *leafcount;
  TLeafObject *leafobj;
  char *bname;
  const char *headOK  = "  ";
  const char *headcom = "  // ";
  const char *head;
  char branchname[64];
  for (l=0;l<nleaves;l++) {
    TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)leaves->UncheckedAt(l);
    len = leaf->GetLen();
    leafcount =leaf->GetLeafCount();
    TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
    if (leafcount) strcpy(branchname,branch->GetName());
    else           strcpy(branchname,leaf->GetTitle());
    char *twodim = (char*)strstr(leaf->GetTitle(),"][");
    bname = branchname;
    while (*bname) {if (*bname == '.') *bname='_'; bname++;}
    if (branch->IsA() == TBranchObject::Class()) {
      if (branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntriesFast()) continue;
      leafobj = (TLeafObject*)leaf;
      if (leafobj->GetClass()) head = headOK;
      else                     head = headcom;
      fprintf(fp,"%s%-15s *leaf_%s;\n",head,leafobj->GetTypeName(),leafobj->GetName());
      fprintf(fp,"%s%-15s *%s() {",head,leafobj->GetTypeName(),leafobj->GetName());
      fprintf(fp,"if (branch_%s) return leaf_%s;",branch->GetName(),leafobj->GetName());
      fprintf(fp,"branch_%s=1;return leaf_%s;}\n",branch->GetName(),leafobj->GetName());
    if (leafcount) {
      len = leafcount->GetMaximum();
      if (twodim) {
	fprintf(fp,"  %-15s leaf_%s[%d]%s;\n",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname,len,(char*)(twodim+1));
	// fprintf(fp,"  %-15s (&%s())[%d]%s {",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname,len,(char*)(twodim+1));
	fprintf(fp,"  %-15s (*%s())%s {",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname,(char*)(twodim+1));
	fprintf(fp,"if (branch_%s) return leaf_%s;",branch->GetName(),branchname);
	fprintf(fp,"branch_%s=1;return leaf_%s;}\n",branch->GetName(),branchname);
      } else {
	fprintf(fp,"  %-15s leaf_%s[%d];\n",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname,len);
	// fprintf(fp,"  %-15s (&%s())[%d] {",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname,len);
	fprintf(fp,"  %-15s *s() {",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname);
	fprintf(fp,"if (branch_%s) return leaf_%s;",branch->GetName(),branchname);
	fprintf(fp,"branch_%s=1;return leaf_%s;}\n",branch->GetName(),branchname);
    } else {
      fprintf(fp,"  %-15s leaf_%s;\n",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname);
      fprintf(fp,"  %-15s &%s() {",leaf->GetTypeName(),branchname);
      fprintf(fp,"if (branch_%s) return leaf_%s;",branch->GetName(),branchname);
      fprintf(fp,"branch_%s=1;return leaf_%s;}\n",branch->GetName(),branchname);
  // # Generate class member functions prototypes 
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # public functions \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  %s(Char_t *filename = 0);\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  %s(TTree *tree) {if (!tree) %s();else Init(tree);}\n",classname,classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  ~%s() {;}\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  Stat_t GetEntries() {if (!fTree) return 0;return fTree->GetEntries();}\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  Int_t GetEvent(Int_t event);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  void Init(TTree *tree);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  Int_t Loop();\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  Int_t Loop(Int_t (*analysis)(%s *));\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  void Show(Int_t event = -1);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"// # *** The %s class implementation *** \n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"#ifdef %s_cxx\n",classname);
  // # Generate class constructor classname(Char_t *filename) 
  fprintf(fp,"// # %s::%s(Char_t *filename) \n",classname,classname);
  fprintf(fp,"%s::%s(Char_t *filename)\n",classname,classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  // # If parameter filename is not specified (or zero), connect the file \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # used to generate this class ( %s ). \n",treefile);
  fprintf(fp,"  if (!filename || !(*filename)) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    filename = \"%s\";\n",treefile);
  fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Find the required file in ROOT and, if not found, open it. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(filename);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  if (!f) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    f = new TFile(filename);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Find the %s tree and initialize object. \n",t->GetName());
  fprintf(fp,"  TTree *t = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(\"%s\");\n",t->GetName());
  fprintf(fp,"  Init(t);\n");
  // # Generate class member function GetEvent(Int_t event) 
  fprintf(fp,"// # Int_t %s::GetEvent(Int_t event) \n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"Int_t %s::GetEvent(Int_t event)\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Prepare to read specified event from the Tree. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  if (!fTree) return 0;\n");
  // fprintf(fp,"  // if (fEvent==event) return 1;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  fEvent = event;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Set branch statuses to 0 \n");
  nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
  for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
    branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
    fprintf(fp,"  branch_%s = 0;\n",branch->GetName());
  fprintf(fp,"  return 1;\n");
  // # Generate class member function Init(TTree *tree) 
  fprintf(fp,"// # void %s::Init(TTree *tree) \n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"void %s::Init(TTree *tree)\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Initialize public variables. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  fTree = tree;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  fEvent = -1;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  if (!tree) return;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Set branch addresses. \n");
  for (l=0;l<nleaves;l++) {
    TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)leaves->UncheckedAt(l);
    len = leaf->GetLen();
    leafcount =leaf->GetLeafCount();
    TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
    if (leafcount) strcpy(branchname,branch->GetName());
    else           strcpy(branchname,leaf->GetTitle());
    bname = branchname;
    while (*bname) {if (*bname == '.') *bname='_'; bname++;}
    char *brak = strstr(branchname,"[");
    if (brak) *brak = 0;
    head = headOK;
    if (branch->IsA() == TBranchObject::Class()) {
      if (branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntriesFast()) continue;
      leafobj = (TLeafObject*)leaf;
      if (!leafobj->GetClass()) head = headcom;
    if (leafcount) len = leafcount->GetMaximum()+1;
    if (len > 1) fprintf(fp,"%sfTree->SetBranchAddress(\"%s\",leaf_%s);\n",head,branch->GetName(),branchname);
    else         fprintf(fp,"%sfTree->SetBranchAddress(\"%s\",&leaf_%s);\n",head,branch->GetName(),branchname);
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Set branch statuses to 0, initialize branch pointers \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  fTree->SetBranchStatus(\"*\",0); // disable all branches\n");
  nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
  for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
    branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
    fprintf(fp,"  branch_%s = 0;\n",branch->GetName());
    fprintf(fp,"  branch_pointer_%s = fTree->GetBranch(\"%s\");\n",branch->GetName(),branch->GetName());
  // # Generate class member function Loop(Int_t (*analysis)(classname *)) 
  fprintf(fp,"// # Int_t %s::Loop(Int_t (*analysis)(%s *)) \n",classname,classname);
  fprintf(fp,"Int_t %s::Loop(Int_t (*analysis)(%s *))\n",classname,classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Execute the analysis function for every event. In case the \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # analysis function returns a non zero value, break the loop. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  if (!fTree || !analysis) return 0;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Local variables ( common to compiled and interpreted code ). \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  Stat_t nentries = GetEntries(); // Number of entries in the Tree.\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  Int_t nevents = 0; // How many events were analysed.\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # This is the event loop in compiled code. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"#ifndef __CINT__\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # First define some local variables and objects. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  char temp[64]; // INTERPRETEDFUNC\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  long offset = 0; // INTERPRETEDFUNC\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  G__ClassInfo globalscope; // INTERPRETEDFUNC\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Then execute the loop. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  switch(G__isinterpretedp2f(((void*)analysis))) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    // # using function call as string \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  case G__INTERPRETEDFUNC:\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    sprintf(temp,\"(%s *)%%p\",(void*)this);\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"    func.SetFunc(&globalscope,(char*)analysis,temp,&offset);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      nevents += GetEvent(i);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      if (func.ExecInt((void*)NULL)) break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    // # using interface method \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  case G__COMPILEDINTERFACEMETHOD:\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    func.SetFunc((G__InterfaceMethod)analysis);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    func.SetArg(((long)this));\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      nevents += GetEvent(i);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      if (func.ExecInt((void*)NULL)) break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    // # bytecode version of interpreted func \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  case G__BYTECODEFUNC:\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    func.SetBytecode((struct G__bytecodefunc*)analysis);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    func.SetArg(((long)this));\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      nevents += GetEvent(i);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      if (func.ExecInt((void*)NULL)) break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    // # using true pointer to function \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  case G__COMPILEDTRUEFUNC:\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    // # pointer not in CINT global function table \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  case G__UNKNOWNFUNC:\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      nevents += GetEvent(i);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"      if ((*analysis)(this)) break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    // # this should never happen ( unknown kind of pointer ) \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  default:\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    cerr << \"Error : Unknown kind of pointer to function\" << endl;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # This is the event loop in interpreted code. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # current CINT cannot deal with this \n");
  fprintf(fp,"#if 0\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    nevents += GetEvent(i);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    if ((*analysis)(this)) break; // current CINT cannot deal with it\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # so we need to use this \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  Int_t result;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    nevents += GetEvent(i);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    result = (*analysis)(this);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"    if (result) break;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # We are done, return. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  return nevents;\n");
  // # Generate class member function Show(Int_t event) 
  fprintf(fp,"// # void %s::Show(Int_t event) \n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"void %s::Show(Int_t event)\n",classname);
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Print contents of event ( all branches ). \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # If event is not specified, print current event. \n");
  fprintf(fp,"  if (!fTree) return;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  if (event>=0) fEvent = event; else event = fEvent;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  if (fEvent<0) return;\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  fTree->SetBranchStatus(\"*\",1);  // enable all branches\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  fTree->Show(fEvent);\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  fTree->SetBranchStatus(\"*\",0);  // disable all branches\n");
  fprintf(fp,"  // # Set branch statuses to 1 \n");
  nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
  for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
    branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
    fprintf(fp,"  branch_%s = 1;\n",branch->GetName());
  fprintf(fp,"// # End of file %s \n",thead);
  // # *** Generate classname.cxx *** 
  // # Generate class member function Loop() 
  fprintf(fpc,"// # Include the %s class interface specification. \n",classname);
  fprintf(fpc,"#ifndef %s_cxx\n",classname);
  fprintf(fpc,"#define %s_cxx\n",classname);
  fprintf(fpc,"#include \"%s\"\n",thead);
  fprintf(fpc,"#undef %s_cxx\n",classname);
  fprintf(fpc,"// # Place here all ROOT related includes that you need. \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"#ifndef __CINT__\n\n");
  fprintf(fpc,"// # Int_t %s::Loop() \n",classname);
  fprintf(fpc,"Int_t %s::Loop()\n",classname);
  // fprintf(fpc,"  if (!fTree) return;\n  \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  // # Local variables. \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  Stat_t nentries = GetEntries(); // Number of entries in the Tree.\n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  Int_t nevents = 0; // How many events were analysed.\n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  // # This is the loop skeleton. \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {\n");
  fprintf(fpc,"    nevents += GetEvent(i);\n");
  fprintf(fpc,"    \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  }\n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  // # We are done, return. \n");
  fprintf(fpc,"  return nevents;\n");
  fprintf(fpc,"// # End of file %s \n",tcimp);
  printf("Files: %s and %s generated from Tree: %s\n",thead,tcimp,t->GetName());
  delete [] thead;
  delete [] tcimp;
  delete [] treefile;
  return 0;

// # End of file MakeClass.cxx 

;;;; minor mode: column
(autoload 'display-column-mode "column" nil t)
(display-column-mode 1)
(load "paren") ; automatic parenthesis matching library
;;;; ... load the cc-mode mode ...
(autoload 'c++-mode  "cc-mode" "C++ Editing Mode" t)
(autoload 'c-mode    "cc-mode" "C Editing Mode" t)
(autoload 'objc-mode "cc-mode" "Objective-C Editing Mode" t)
;;;; ... to be used with c++, c and objective-c files
(setq auto-mode-alist
       '(("\\.C$"  . c++-mode)
	 ("\\.H$"  . c++-mode)
	 ("\\.cc$" . c++-mode)
	 ("\\.hh$" . c++-mode)
	 ("\\.c$"  . c-mode)
	 ("\\.h$"  . c-mode)
	 ("\\.m$"  . objc-mode)
	 ) auto-mode-alist))
;;;; My C and C++ outline-minor-mode settings ( Jacek M. Holeczek 1999 ).
;;;; Outline mode headings are lines of C and C++ source code which contain,
;;;; at any position, C or C++ commentary headings ( that is `/*' or `//' )
;;;; followed by one or more asterisk, hash or underscore characters ( mixing
;;;; of them is allowed ) : one character for major headings, two characters
;;;; for subheadings, etc., optionally followed by a (sub)heading description
;;;; ( see `my-c-c++-outline-regexp' and `my-c-c++-outline-level' below ).
;;;; All other C and C++ source code lines are body lines.
;;(defvar my-c-c++-outline-regexp
;;  "^.*/[\*/][ \t]*\\(\\)[\*#_]+\\([ \t]+.*$\\|$\\)")
;;(defun my-c-c++-outline-level ()
;;  (save-excursion
;;    (looking-at outline-regexp)
;;    (- (match-beginning 2) (match-end 1))))
;;;; Outline mode headings are lines of C and C++ source code which in the
;;;; beginning, not counting leading white space characters, contain C or
;;;; C++ commentary headings ( that is `/*' or `//' ) followed by one or
;;;; more asterisk, hash or underscore characters ( the count of these
;;;; characters does not matter, mixing of them is allowed ), optionally
;;;; followed by a (sub)heading description. The heading's nesting level is
;;;; calculated from the indentation of the C or C++ commentary ( see
;;;; `my-c-c++-outline-regexp' and `my-c-c++-outline-level' below ).
;;;; All other C and C++ source code lines are body lines.
(defvar my-c-c++-outline-regexp
  "^[ \t]*\\(\\)/[\*/][ \t]*[\*#_]+\\([ \t]+.*$\\|$\\)")
(defun my-c-c++-outline-level ()
    (looking-at outline-regexp)
    (string-width (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 1)))))
;;;; Also the foldout.el is automatically loaded. It provides folding editor
;;;; extensions and mouse bindings for entering and exiting folds and for
;;;; showing and hiding text ( Meta-Control-Down-Mouse-{1,2,3} - see the
;;;; foldout.el source code for details ).
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook
	   (lambda ()
	     (setq outline-regexp my-c-c++-outline-regexp)
	     (setq outline-level 'my-c-c++-outline-level)
	     (outline-minor-mode 1)
	     (require 'foldout))))
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook
	   (lambda ()
	     (setq outline-regexp my-c-c++-outline-regexp)
	     (setq outline-level 'my-c-c++-outline-level)
	     (outline-minor-mode 1)
	     (require 'foldout))))
;;;; End of my C and C++ outline-minor-mode settings.
;;;; Highlighting by font-lock.el mode.
(global-font-lock-mode t)
(setq font-lock-support-mode 'lazy-lock-mode)
(setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)

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