Re: postscript file with canvas and pavetext

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue May 25 1999 - 17:52:30 MEST

Hi Ulrich,
I cannot understand what you try to do!
My assumption is that you have a TEmbeddedCanvas already paint.
Why do you create another TCanvas ?
Why not to do simply:

   gROOT->SetStyle("print");// contains SetHeaderPS("175 850
                         // to put the plot on top centered
   TPostScript ps("", 111);
   ps.Range(18, 18);
    //   annotation->Paint();  // a TPavetext object
   delete c1;

The examples given at
work correctly.

Rene Brun

Ulrich Jost wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to create a postscript file with a plot (TCanvas) above and a
> TPavetext below.
> The following sequence does not work properly. If I watch the file
> in ghostview, the stuff appears for half a second, but then is
> deleted and I have a white space.
> Anyone knows how to do it correctly within a program (not a macro)?
> I took the below from root's HOWTO's.
> I attach the ps file. Somehow the stuff is there...
> Thanks, Ulrich
> gROOT->SetStyle("print");// contains SetHeaderPS("175 850 translate");
>                          // to put the plot on top centered
>           TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1");
>           TPostScript ps(sout1.str(), 111);
>           ps.Range(18, 18);
>           c1->Divide(1, 2);
>           ps.NewPage();
>           c1->cd(1);
>           embcanvas->GetCanvas()->UseCurrentStyle();
>           embcanvas->GetCanvas()->Draw();
>           c1->Update();
>             c1->cd(2);
>             annotation->Paint();  // a TPavetext object
>             c1->Update();
>           ps.Close();
>           delete c1;
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                            Name:
>       Type: Postscript Document (APPLICATION/postscript)
>                        Encoding: BASE64

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