Hello, I want to read the content of a variable from a tree without using the T->Draw("var"); option since for complex selections I get a strange behavior (i.e. the result of t->Draw("x:y","a>2 && b>3 && etc. ") depends on the order of the selection criteria. t->Draw("x:y","b>3 && a>2 && etc. ") leads to a different result). So I created a small test tree ************************************************************************ #include <iostream.h> #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" TROOT simple("simple","tree"); int i; //______________________________________________________________________________ int main () { TFile *hfile =new TFile ("htree.root","RECREATE","tree"); TTree *Tr; Tr = new TTree("T","ROOT tree "); struct test_struc {Float_t x,y,z;} obj; float var; Tr->Branch("vectors",&obj,"x:y:z"); Tr->Branch("variable",&var,"var"); for (i=0;i<10000;i++){ obj.x=i+1.5; obj.y=i+1.5; obj.z=i*i; var=i; Tr->Fill(); } Tr->Print(); hfile->Write(); cout <<"wrote file "<<obj.x<<" "<<obj.y<<" "<<obj.z<<endl; hfile->Close(); return 0; } ******************************************************************** and try to read i.e. for i= 9000 the value of "var". The only way I found is: TFile *mf = new TFile("htree.root"); TTree *T=(TTree*) mf-> Get("T"); T->Scan("var","",,1,9000); but this not want I really want, I would rather prefer a statement like float test ; test= T->Scan("var","",,1,9000); cout<<test<<endl; but this returns only zero (not surprising, but I am looking for something similar). Does anybody know how to do this? Rudi
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