rootcint complain?!

From: Selim Issever (
Date: Mon May 31 1999 - 14:09:09 MEST

Hi all,..

I have the following class, which inherits as follows:
mo <- moBase <- StyledCanvas. (all publically inherited)

I want to access all memberfunctions (also inherited ones) from rootcint:
rem: mo.H includes moBase.H which again includes StyledCanvas.H

--- shell output ------------------------
rootcint mydict.C -c mo.H moBase.H StyledCanvas.H
Warning: File "moBase.H" already loaded
Warning: File "StyledCanvas.H" already loaded

anyways, I can startup the program and access a memberfunction from moBase.
As I want to have tidy code:

--- shell output ------------------------
rootcint mydict.C -c mo.H 

and no complains, but access to the public memberfunction ov of moBase gives:

--- application output ------------------------
subspace transmission: m.ov("1999/01/24","1999/01/25")
Error: Can't call mo::ov() in current scope FILE:./07224daa LINE:1
Possible canditates are...
filename       line:size busy function type and name
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

I can still access memberfunctions of mo.

Is this intended? And why the warnings?

Best Wishes

Selim Issever | Tel: 040 8998-2843    +- It's lucky you're going so  -
DESY-F15      | Fax: 040 8998-4033    +- slowly, because you're going
Notkestr. 85  | +- in the wrong direction.   ---
22603 Hamburg/Germany   |

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